Life in the Castle
Peasant Life
Working Life
Crime and Death
Life in the Monastery

This person was the King in our feudal system diagram many weeks ago.

Who is King Bob?


A peasant who was not free, could not travel and had to get permission from the lord to marry. 

What is a serf?


The code knight's swore and lived by. It included vows to protect women and children and always be loyal to their King.

What is the code of chivalry? 


Where minor criminals were put, sometimes overnight, to have rotten food thrown at them to humiliate them.

What are the stocks/pillories? 
Where monks live

What are monasteries? 


The plots of land given by a King to his Lords/ Knights.

What is 'Manor'?


The land that a knight or lord kept for himself. Often the peasants would work there for them.

What is a demesne? 

What a knight was at age 14, when he helped dress the lords dress for jousts and battles and practiced with swords and shields. 

What is a squire? 


The continent where the Black Death started

What is Asia? 


This architectural style was popular for churches and cathedrals built during the Middle Ages

What is Gothic style?


The first Medieval castles were called this.

What is motte and bailey castles?


Interwoven sticks and mud used to build peasant housing.

What is wattle and daub? 


Taxes collected in the town to pay for repairs and developments. 

What is a toll?


The group of people unfairly blamed for causing the plague, leading to a rise in Antisemitism. 

Who are the Jewish people? 


The first stage of becoming a monk or nun

What is a novice?


Raised parts of the curtain wall used to protect defenders

What are battlements? 


A tax peasants had to pay to the Bishop or parish priest, often 10% of their earnings.

What is a tithe? 


The final stage of becoming a merchant where they would travel from town to town selling their creations and finds.

What is a journeyman?


Because so many peasants and labourers had died, there was no one left to work. Those who survived the black death demanded higher wages.

What is shortage of labour? 


The dining room of a monastery where monks ate in silence

What is a refectory? 


A medieval entertainer who would dance and sing for the nobility during banquets in the great hall.

What are minstrels? 


The unused field where nothing was planted in the crop rotation system used by peasant farmers. 

What is fallow?


The committee of craftsmen who set the standard for excellence and looked after their members.

What is a guild? 


A punishment for witchcraft where women were tested with a life threatening situation to see if they survived, for example pushing them off a cliff to see if they fly. 

What is a Trial by Ordeal? 

The three vows monks and nuns had to take

What are poverty, chastity and obedience?