Word Wall Pt. 1
Word Wall Pt. 2
Articles of the Week
Quarter 1 Skills
Freak the Mighty

A synonym (word that means the same thing) for authentic is _________.



A synonym (word that means the same thing) for assistance is ____________.


How did Malala Yousafzai show bravery?

Malala showed bravery by continuing to fight for girls education even after almost being killed for doing so. 


What are 2 things you can do to be an active reader while in class?

Follow along with a pencil/finger.

Read in your head while others are reading aloud.

Re-read if there is a part of the text you didn't understand. 

Underline and take notes in the text (if using your own copy)


Why did Freak always say that he was going to get bionic modifications? 

Freak wanted to have something to look forward to and dream of having rather than the medical challenges he knew he would experience. 


Come up with an example sentence correctly using the words "pursue" and "knack."

Example: I have always had a knack for making people laugh so I am thinking about pursuing a career in comedy. 


Come up with an example sentence correctly using the words "defy" and "redeem."

After defying his kindergarten teacher and running out of the classroom, Timmy redeemed himself by writing an apology note. 


What did the Women from Hidden Figures do in their careers?

The Women of Hidden Figures defied society's expectations of what African American women could do by becoming successful "computers" for NASA during the space race. 


What are 2 expectations we have worked on during in-class discussions?

Giving the speaker your full attention.

No interruptions.

Responding to what the last person said.

Using examples and reasons to support what you are saying. 

Using academic voice (loud and in complete sentences)


How did Maxwell respond to traumatic experiences he has faced when he was reminded of them and/or faced with them? What is something Maxwell could do to help cope with his trauma? 

Maxwell would shut down or even turn back into "kicker." He could begin talking through his feelings with a trusted adult, counselor, or therapist. 


A dangerous or difficult situation



Widely and popularly known. 


What did Cesar Chavez pursue in life?

Cesar Chavez pursued better working conditions and pay for migrant farm workers. 


What is a theme? How is it different from a main idea?

A theme is a message or lesson from the text. On the other hand, a main idea is overall what a text is about. 


How did Maxwell change as a person from the beginning of FTM to the end? 

Example: Maxwell went from thinking he was dumb to being confident in his ability to read and write. 


Define Anticipate

To expect or predict that something is going to happen. 


Define Preoccupy

To think about something a lot or too much. 


What does it mean to "Keep up with the Joneses"? Give a few examples. 

Keeping up with the Joneses means to buy things and/or do things to achieve a higher social status (or fit in with those you think are more popular).

Examples: buying name brand shoes, buying a flashy car, following an Instagram trend for popularity, etc. 


When trying to understand what a difficult word means in the text you can look for ____________ in the text that will give you hints about its meaning. 

Context Clues


Who are 2 characters in FTM who show that you "can't judge a book by its cover"? How do they show this idea? (Cannot choose Maxwell) 

Loretta - She appears to be a bit crazy and as a bully, but she tries to save Maxwell and gives him meaningful advice. 

Freak - He appears quite small and has a disability, but he is extremely brave and fierce. 


Come up with an example sentence that correctly uses both the words tedious and improbable.

Example: My day at work was so tedious that it is improbable that I will have any energy left over to cook dinner when I get home tonight. 


Come up with an example sentence correctly using both the words limitation and modification. 

There were some limitations to how fast my car could go so I made modifications to it that made it go faster. 


According to "Lessons from Failure" how can people be more successful at persevering through challenges?

People can be more successful at persevering through challenges by focusing on the part of the challenge they have control over. 


What are 3 things you SHOULD do when writing a summary? What are 3 things you SHOULD NOT do when writing a summary? 


1. Use your own words

2. Include major events

3. Cover the 5 Ws

4. Tell the beginning, middle, and end


1. Use words straight from the text.

2. Include minor details

3. Write too long of a summary


How was Freak's interest in knights meaningful to the story as a whole? Give examples.

Example: Freak being interested in knights inspired a sense of adventure in Maxwell that he had never had before by going on "quests" with Freak. It also gave the boys a sense of confidence that they could do great things especially to help other people.