Where in a letter you write your name?
On the top
This artist wrote the song Baby
Justin Bieber
What state has the Liberty Bell?
Who is the main villain in the Mario franchise?
In what place is the 1 in 174
In what part of a letter you write the recipients address?
In the middle
This artist wrote the son Grenade
Bruno Mars
Where is the White House located?
What is the name of the main character in Legend of Zelda?
In what place is the 2 in 12,787
Name 3 things you shouldn't share with anyone
Social security, Credit Card pin, WIFI password, bank account information etc...
This artist wrote the song You Belong With Me
Taylor Swift
What state is known for potatoes?
Who is the mascot for Sega?
In what place is the 5 in 578,892
Hundred Thousands
What is a debit card?
A card you use your own money
This Artist is known for the song One last time
Ariana Grande
What state is know as the BIG APPLE?
New York
Whats the name of the game where Scorpion and Subzero are from?
Mortal Kombat
In what place is the 3 in 1,430,653
Ten Thousands
Jamey has a bill from the hospital Penn Medicine located in 800 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 of 100$ where does she send the money to?
Penn Medicine 800 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
this artist is known for the song Titi me pregunto
Bad Bunny
Which State is known as the place where everything is bigger?
What is the most sold console in history?
Playstation 2
In what place is the 9 in 9,563,872