Name 3 supplies that should always be at every desk
Pencil, pom pom, white board, dry erase marker.
What should you check for before handing in your work
Name / Done to the best of your ability
Where can I find the class rules?
Website, printed slides, posted in room
Which form are you required to fill out whenever staff tell you too?
Behaviour form
Which is not an accommodation in our room:
Noise cancelling headphones, flexible seating, fidgets, get out of class free card.
Get out of class free card
True or false, the school pays for all the supplies in the hygiene cupboard.
False. Ms McKay does.
If you are absent, where can you find paper copies if the work you missed?
In the folder on the door.
If I am littering, which rule am I breaking?
Respecting the land, culture, and community
What are you allowed to do before filling out a behavoour form?
Take 5 minutes to self regulate
After you finish all of your work, what are you always allowed to do?
Read a book
What steps do you have to take before using the classroom fidgets (or fidgets you bring to school)?
Get permission from Ms McKay
If you don't finish your work (but you were trying) where does it go at the end of class?
In your pocket folder.
If I am finished my assignment and trying to tell jokes to the person beside me as they work, what rule am I breaking?
Allowing others to learn.
Who is the first to see a finished teacher complaint form?
Ms McKay
Name 3 things you have to do before going to the bathroom.
Get permission, sign the sheet, turn on the light.
Name 3 supplies for school that you are expected to provide.
Indoor shoes, waterbottle, bag/backpack, lock for locker.
What are the 3 steps you should take when you get marked work back?
Check for red date stamp, read feedback, then file it.
If I am starting rumours about another student, what rule am I breaking?
Respecting eachother.
When can you bring a teacher complaint form to Ms Alison?
After you have talked to Ms McKay and tried to resolve it.
Name the two places your phone can be during class.
In your locker, above Ms McKay's desk.
If you see damage in our classroom, what form do you fill out?
None, just tell Ms McKay
Name 3 things Ms msckay might do if you are not using your time in class to get your work done.
Send it for homework, call home, have you stay in at recess to finish.
If you are team captain, and you are only picking boys for your basketball team, what rule are you breaking?
Being inclusive.
Where can I find the forms?
At the self regulation station (in the clipboards)
What does it mean / what do you do when you hold 2 fingers up?
Placing out. You are triggered or in crisis. You are asking for permission to go just outside the classroom door to wait for a staff member to check on you.