Using the Library
Rewards & Consequences

When is homework assigned and due?

Wednesdays (assigned one Wednesday, due the next)


How many books can you have checked out from the library at once?

ONE!!!!!! 1!!!!! :)


Where do we store our iReady math books?

We store them on the bottom shelf of the carts.  DO NOT put them in your chair pocket (great way to rip the pages of your book and damage the pocket!)


Besides playing outside with friends, recess is the best time to ______ and _____

Get water/fill up water bottle, and use the bathroom


How do we earn a Soot Sprite? :)

WHOLE CLASS follows a rule or procedure (i.e. "Voices off in 3,2,1" and ALL voices are off, or everyone walks quietly in the hall from one class to another, or everyone follows rules during a transition, etc.).  Once we get 5 soot sprites we trade it for a mystery letter.  Once all letters are earned we have a whole class reward.


Whose responsibility is it to pick up the math, science/reading, and reading log worksheet from the shelf and island each Wednesday morning?



Can you play with the toys from the library (Pete, Appa, Eevee, Calcifer, Haku, Kirby)?

Not without Miss Peterson's permission.  If you need to move them to access a book and then move them back, that is okay.


When you borrow headphones, and finish using them, what do you do?

Tie them up NEATLY, put them IN YOUR BAG (and close it), put it in order as best you can in YOUR NUMBER BIN.


If you are more than ______ minute(s) late to the outside door after recess, you have to ________.

write your name on the sticky note on my desk to owe 2 minutes or pay $5.


How do we lose a soot sprite? :(

WHOLE CLASS or MANY IN THE CLASS aren't following a procedure or are being disruptive (when there are enough kids that Miss Peterson can't identify which ones quickly and easily, that constitutes "many"

I was absent on Wednesday and I'm back on Thursday and the homework isn't sitting out for me to grab anymore!  What should I do?!

Go to the HW Binder by the sink.  Open it, be gentle with the pages.  Find the week you need (it is sorted by date the HW is due) and rip out a math page, and a reading page, then grab a reading log from the shelves.


Who can sit on the fancy blue chair?

Miss Peterson.  Yup, that's it!


Where should all your personal pencils/pens/writing utensils be stored?

1) The green caddy

2) Your chair pocket

3) Your pencil box

Pencil box!!  You can keep your pencil box at your seat during the day if you wish, otherwise you're welcome to use the caddy supplies.  However, caddy supplies and box supplies do not mix.


If you want to use the restroom you do the ____ hand sign, and for water you do the ____ hand sign (show them).

Sign language R, sign language W


How do we earn a strike :(

INDIVIDUALLY you are not following a rule, or are being disruptive (i.e. I asked you to do silent reading, I catch you chatting or doodling or staring into space with your book closed, etc.)


How do I get my $5 for homework?

At the end of the day, meet the HW checker by the cabinet with your checkbook filled out with the DATE, reason being "Homework", debit +$5, and a pen/pencil.  As they check you off, they will sign your checkbook.  If you don't get it signed at the end of the day on Wednesday, it is YOUR responsibility to get it signed by the end of the week at some other time (beginning of recess, for example).  You can't get paid for homework after that week ("Oh I forgot for the past month!"  "Too late!")

If you get caught using a beanbag not on your day, what will happen?

You will lose your bean bag privileges for a while, possibly the rest of the year.  Remember to put beanbags back when you're done using them, and to keep your feet off them!


At the end of the day, what should you have on your desk?

Your chair pocket, and if you wish, ONE water bottle and your pencil box. 

 That is it.  

Your chair should be stacked at the end of your table.


When you go to the restroom, you put the _____ at your seat and take the ____ with you to the bathroom

correct hand sanitizer

yardstick (leave it propped outside bathroom when you go in)


What happens after 3 strikes :|

Parent is contacted, and you fill out a think sheet to get signed at home & bring back to school.  You may lose recess time.  Strikes reset each day.


Can you turn in late HW?

Yes, but you don't get $5, and it is YOUR job to go to the HW checker at the end of that day to have them check you off on the chart (but not your checkbook).

When you're done with a book from the library, where does it go?

Book return (clear drawers)


When you use a Chromebook, it must not touch the floor ever (or it will get stepped on).  We also don't pick at the barcode or number sticker on the front.  We take care of our Chromebooks.  

Whenever you put it back, where do you put it?

In YOUR number slot in the cart. You don't have to plug it in unless it's dying. DO NOT put it on top of the cart!!

If Miss Peterson nods at you to let you go to the restroom/water & you notice there is no hall pass, what should you do?

Just wait in your seat until the hall pass comes back, then since you've already gotten permission you can go ahead.  Miss Peterson may nod whether the hall pass is there or not so it's your job to check!


How do we earn table cubes? :)

WHOLE TABLE is on task.  These cubes are mostly earned at the beginning of the day during self-start.  When we switch seating charts every few weeks, Miss Peterson will tally up cubes and the table with the most cubes earns each person at that table $20.