Don't go breaking my rules!
Who let the students out?!
I'm a little bit morning, I'm a little bit afternoon
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Say what?!

Tucker is finished with his Bible test. After he turns it in, he decides to get his ketchup folder and finish his reading comprehension questions from earlier in the CKLA class.

What is Making Smart Choices?


Derek is standing in line in number order at the door. He is silent, still, straight and smiling.

What is a 4s line?


Della was out sick for two days. She returns on Thursday. That morning she proceeds to unpack all of her items for the day. After she finishes her morning work, she goes to grab a certain folder. She completes assignments on the Must Do side.

What is a ketchup folder?


This week Braden has a new job. During break time, he decided he would try and work on it. He needed to take some baskets off of these shelves and organize them. He also dusted a little bit and checked the numbered pockets to see if people had highlighted their titles listed on the cards.

What is librarian?

The students have just come back in from lunch. Miss Halford tells them to grab some items from their blue numbered bin. Amaya grabs a composition notebook, blue folder and some tools. She then writes down her table of contents from the board and also numbers her next notebook page with the title.

What is math?


We are studying Matter and Energy in our science class. Lucas has studied his vocabulary words every night for 5 minutes and in class for an entire week. He ended up making a 60 on his quiz.

What is always do your best?


Molly and her classmates had to quickly get in a line in number order at the backdoor. They walked quickly (not running) all the way across the field. When they got to the end of the field they turned around and did not talk the entire time.

What is a fire drill?


At the end of the day, Tucker has packed up all of his belongings to take home and is ready to be dismissed. He has 10 minutes to spare. He decides to take the expo cleaner and a paper towel to complete this job.

What is board cleaner?


Today is a rainy day, so the students are staying inside for recess. Harmony wants to go ahead and complete her job. She goes to the filing cabinet, gets the pink bucket and grabs what's inside. She uses it on the black carpet and also has a lint roller in case it does not get everything up.

What is vacuum?


It is finally Friday! Everyone is packing up. The students grab their take home folders. Miss Halford has a sheet to hand out. This sheet tells them what will be due the following Friday. It is highly important that all students take these home.

What is weekly homework?


Miss Halford accidentally spilled her water all over the floor! She went to go get paper towels to clean it up. By the time she got back, Amaya had already cleaned it up for her.

What is Keep your teacher happy?


Braden is eating a sandwich and socializing with his friends in Miss Angie's room. When Mrs. Palmeri's timer goes off, he throws all of his in the trash can. He also wipes down his chair and the place on the table where he ate. He additionally uses the broom and dust pan to sweep up crumbs that he had left on the floor.

What is lunch?


Anna walks in Tuesday morning and unpacks all of her belongings. She has used the restroom and sharpened her pencils. She is ready for the day. She decides to complete what is on her desk.

What is morning work?


At the end of the day, there were three students who decided that they needed something for the next day. It was part of Lucas's job to help them have this item the next day. He walked over near the front door. He would stick the items inside a machine to help make them even better. He knew every time it would light up blue, it was about finished and the sound would stop every so often.

What is pencils?


After break, some students stay in Miss Halford's room. They have to get out their binder and bring out their study guide. They have to make sure their sentences are complete and when it comes test time, they will have to write in cursive also. The test is on Tuesday.

What is Bible?


Lilly did not sleep well on Thursday night. She still came to school on Friday, but was very sleepy. Even though she was tired, she unpacked all of her belongings during morning routine and took great notes during math class.

What is come ready to learn?


The class just finished eating their lunch on Tuesday. They had to quickly clean up, put their lunchboxes on their hooks and grab their Bibles. They walked straight down to the auditorium and were very quiet when they walked in. Harmony was sitting up straight in her chair and never got up to use the restroom the entire time.

What is chapel?


Garrett has just finished his morning work and now the entire class is standing. He has his Bible in hand and is standing between two flags. He leads the class in saying something.

What is pledges?


Molly sees that the floor has dust bunnies on it and there are spots where people's shoes have left dirt stains. She knows she can go in the bathroom and grab an item to immediately fix this problem.

What is duster or brooms?


During this time students can have one snack. They may also drink some of their water and make sure that they are prepared for the next class. However, they may not play a game or waste any time.

What is break?


Anna loves playing checkers during indoor recess. She decided to play this with Della on a rainy Wednesday. They ended up getting into an argument over a move that was made during the game. Instead of continuing the argument, Anna decided that the girls should forgive one another and they continued playing the game.

What is working well with others?


The students are lined up in order at the back door. They proceed to walk out to the field. During this time, Garrett and a classmate end up arguing over who is "it" during a game of tag. Garrett decides to follow an expectation of working well with others, and just decides to walk away from the situation. He ends up playing another game.

What is recess?


All students just came in from recess. When Miss Halford called Lilly's name she went to get her book bag and lunch box off her hook. She came back and started to pack everything up. There was something that she packed up that held her homework and a form she needed to return to school inside of it.

What is take home folder?


Derek notices that the place where some of the students sit, it's crooked. So he decides to take care of that and make sure that these items are straight. He also notices that they need to be wiped down. He proceeds to go get wipes out of the cabinet and wipes them down.

What is desks?


All of the students were doing group work in science today. Miss Halford let them work on some of their questions together. When she needed their attention, a chime started to go off.

What is doorbell?