CPR/First Aid
Safe Sleep
Support Resources
Mom Care

Check is the first C in this list of 3 C's.

What is Check, Call, Care?


This is the age we should start reading to children.

What is prior to birth or at birth?


This is the only item that should be in a crib.

What is a crib sheet? Also accepted is Sleep Sack.


This agency provides events for families free of charge and they go by the initials FRC.

What is the Family Resource Center?


PMAD stands for this set of postpartum mental health concerns.

What is Postpartum Mood Disorders?


This is the number of chest compressions needed when giving CPR.

What is 30?


This is the idea that not each word needs to be read.

What is a picture walk or describing the pictures?


This is the side of a baby we should lay them on to put them to bed.

What is the back?


This agency provides resources for families and is often associated with 4H.

What is the Purdue Extension?


This is the term often used for postpartum sadness, irritability, or mood swings that may fade on their own within 1-2 weeks. 

What are baby blues?


When someone is unconscious, this is the type of consent given.

What is implied consent?


True or False.  Children should be allowed to explore book prior to being able to read.

What is true?

These are three places a baby should never nap.

What is an adult bed, couch, boppy pillow, bouncy seat, etc?


This number can be called if mental health becomes a concern.

What is 988?


Removing the baby from mom's care and calling 911 are the steps needed when this is suspected.

What is postpartum psychosis?


This is the item used to stop a bleed by stopping the blood flow.

What is a tournaquet?


This is the item of clothing Pete sings about in his book on his way to school.

What are shoes?


This is a safe place for a baby to be laid only when it is in a moving car.

What is a car seat?


Name 3 of the supports categories where a mom might find support.

What is family, friends, spiritual, work, other?


Keeping an eye out for mood changes, helping with physical tasks, taking the baby while mom showers and things of this nature are the job of these people.

Who is the support person?


This is the length of a time your CPR certification is active before needing to renew.

What is 2 years?


Elephant has a best friend. He is this animal. 

What is piggie or a pig?


This is the the cause of death when it is not a SUID and the cause is unknown, generally in children under one.

What is SIDS, or Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome?


This group can assist with all types of resources until age 4. 

What is First Choice for Women?


This is the step that should be taken if there are any concerns about mom's mood.

What is contact your doctor?