You should do this when you cough or sneeze.
Cover your mouth.
Name 2 things you should do when someone is talking to you.
Eye contact, Active listing, face them.
This is how you should answer the phone
Say hello
You need to drink this everyday
You just won 1st place in a game, you feel....
Happy or excited
You should brush your teeth at least this often.
2 times a day
What you say when someone hurts your feelings.
I feel statement
True or False
If your friend is in line to buy food, you can join them in line so you don't have to wait as long to order.
Name 3 healthy types of exercise
Sports, lifting weights, running/walking, swimming, yoga....
Scared, anxious, nervous
Name 3 things you use in the shower.
Body wash/Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Face wash, wash cloth or loofa.
facial expressions, eye contact, and folding your arms are examples of what?
Body language
If you need to talk to someone that is talking to another person, you do this.
Say excuse me
True or False
Soy Beans are in the protein group
If you do something to make your friend feel bad, what do you do?
The best way to stop germs spreading from person to person.
Washing your hands.
What is it called when you let someone know about something you need.
Name 2 ways to have good manners when eating
Don't talk with your mouth full, use your napkin, don't reach over others plates, say please pass
True or False
Everyone should eat the same kinds of foods to be healthy
"I feel sad when you say mean things will you please stop."
This is called what
I Feel statement
Something you use to help with body odor
Verbal, Sign language, body language (non-verbal), written, technology based
Someone gives you a gift you don't like.
Still say thank you
How many food groups are there
5 Fruit, Veggies, grains, dairy, protein
Name 3 ways to calm down when you are upset
Take a deep breath, listen to music, find a quiet place, exercise, read a book, draw, write in a journal...