When can you use the bathroom?
What is... AFTER instruction (not in first 5 minutes)
What to do if you were absent?
Check G-classroom & What I missed folder before checking in with teacher
What is this class about- in general?
How kids develop from pregnancy to toddler
Where can you find all our assignments and materials?
Google Classroom
What are the rules about where to sit in here?
Free Seating (but I reserve the right to move you)
How long can I turn in late work?
Until the end of that works UNIT.
What involvement does this class have with the preschool center?
None- we may visit the preschool to see the space but child development II goes into preschool.
Project-based assessments and mini knowledge checks (quizzes)
Does Ms DeMarco have kids? if so, age? gender?
Yes! one Son
Explain the process of our Bell Ringers
A weekly Sheet that we answer daily questions on and turn in on last day of week grade at quarter
Does late work get points off?
Yes if rubric says so- check rubric
What do we use the babies for?
To demonstrate infant care and responsability
Why do I need headphones for this class?
Ms DeMarco will use videos and may give instruction via videos instead of full class instruction.
What are some things (4) Ms. DeMarco likes to do?
Be outside, cook, long board, drink coffee photograph doors, ride bikes. be with family
Where do I sign out if I leave the room?
Whiteboard Sign out box
Should have check G-classroom, Shouldn't interrupt others learning, should have checked what I missed wall
What are 3 topis we will learn this semester?
PIES Families Pregnancy infant toddler
Why is there free seating in this class?
Be cause we do a lot of learning stations and group work.
Where can you find Ms. DeMarco if she is not in this room?
Preschool Center next door
Someone comes into class, having a loud conversation with someone in the hall as they enter, hangs out by the door then comes to the teacher and asks to go to bath room before class starts... What did they do wrong?
Should have: said bye to friend in hall, came in quietly, put stuff down, and started bell ringer, waited 5 minutes and given the three finger sign.
Daily Double!!! Demonstrate what to do properly for class when entering room after being absent.
Come in check what I missed then go into google classroom.
What is our first unit on?
What is..... PIES (Developmental domains)
Where do you turn in work and get work returned from (hint not the same places)
Turn in bin next to teacher desk
'student mailbox' - in front of room.
What club does Ms. DeMarco run?