What is the 1st school rule?
Be safe
What should you do when you first enter the classroom?
Put away book bags, look at the board for specific directions, sit at my desk, and wait quietly for attendance to be taken.
What do you get for earning 10 points on class dojo?
A trip to the candy jar.
What is the first classroom rule?
Be prepared and ready to learn!
What does it mean when you cross your fingers?
I have to use the restroom.
What is the 2nd school rule?
Be respectful
How do we line up?
Quickly and quietly!
What do you get for earning 40 dojo points?
Wear a hat in class.
What is the second classroom rule?
Follow directions the first time given.
What does the "W" hand signal mean?
I need a drink of water please.
In what ways can you demonstrate that you are responsible?
Possible Responses:
-By doing my classroom job daily.
-Completing my assignments.
-Owning my mistakes and apologizing when needed.
-Following the rules.
How should you push in your chairs?
Softly and swiftly!
Name (3) Award Celebrations
-AR Celebrations
-Citizenship Celebrations
-Star Math & Reading Celebrations
Why are classroom rules important?
Possible Response:
-To teach appropriate behaviors.
-To teach consequences for not following the rules.
-Teach everyone to show respect to themselves and others.
Finish the statement:
"One, two, three, all eyes on me____________
"One, two, I see you!"
Why should we practice being kind to others?
Possible Responses:
-To spread happiness in school.
-To build others up.
-To promote positive energy.
How should you work during small groups/centers?
Possible responses:
-Remain on task.
-Do not talk disturb students in other groups.
-Ask (2) friends before asking the teacher for help.
-Clean up your area before transitioning to the next center.
How many Dojo points do you need to pick out an item from the treasure box?
20 points
Why is it important to raise your hand?
Possible Responses:
-To signal that help is needed to the teacher.
-To answer questions.
-To participate without blurting out answers aloud in class.
"If you can hear me, clap twice."
How many times do you clap your hands?
2 times
What are some consequences for not following the school/classroom rules?
Possible Responses:
- conference with my teacher
-teacher consequence
-phone call home
-removal from class
-parent phone call
What do you do when I yell, "Brain Break!"
Stop what I'm doing, stand up, and follow the teacher's directions.
What do you get as a reward for earning 30 class dojo points?
Shoes off pass
What is the golden rule?
Be kind and treat others the way you want to be treated!
What do you do when I say "1, 2, 3...."