This is what you do when you need to get a staff's attention.
Raise your hand.
True or False?
You can take space for a full 30 minute period
Name the first 4 things you do when you arrive.
Greet your teachers :) Unpack your homework folder, place your breakfast order, start your AM work
Name 1 strategy you can do independently if you finished your work early.
Color at your desk, go to sensory closet and choose an activity to do quietly, draw/make a card for one of your teachers
Name 2 rewards you can earn for staying safe and following directions.
Booth Bucks, class tickets
What do you do with your finished work?
a) throw it away b)turn it in on google c)give it to Mrs. Booth d) either b or c
D) either b or c
Name 5 places you can take space in TDP
Classroom Space, Mrs. Gydus' office, your desk, 4B, SSC
Demonstrate how you sit for a quiet minute transition.
feet under desk, looking forward, voices off, calm body
Where can you find YOUR school supplies?
In your pencil box
On what level do you receive all of your choice time/time outside?
True or False: I refused to complete my math assignment during math, now I have to complete it before recess no matter which level I'm on.
True or False?
You need to ask permission before taking space inside or outside of the classroom.
True. (what does it look like? - Show me!)
Demonstrate how you transition to the hallway. (hint: wait for name)
line up, walk quietly, on the green line, keep personal space, our mask stays on, magic word: ignore
Where is the group goal and target skills?
front board, right of smartboard
Which school level do you receive the most privileges?
Special Merit
Explain the voice level chart and quiet hand light.
Voice Level Chart: tells the class what voice volume should be used during the activity. Light: when to raise a quiet hand, remain quiet or turn and discuss with our peers.
True or False?
It's "BAD" if a teacher suggests that you take a break.
False. Why?
When is it NOT a quiet hand raising time? a) during lunch b) during outside c) during an academic
B) during outside
Where can I see what is coming up next?
How many tickets do you need to purchase candy? A prize from the treasure chest?
3 tickets = 1 candy
20 tickets = 1 prize
What are the 8 classroom rules and describe what they mean.
Follow directions, stay with the group, sit quietly, speak politely, raise a quiet hand, hands and feet to self, our mask stays on, magic word: ignore
Explain how you should return from taking space.
(Hint: do you come right back into the classroom? How do you return to class? *Act it out*)
Process with staff, complete (5) slow and controlled deep breaths, enter the classroom quietly with a calm body.
Why is afternoon meeting important?
To reflect on your day and finish the day with our classroom family.
Where does each staff member sit, what are their names, and what literacy centers do they teach?
Mrs. Booth = Guided Reading, Mrs. Anton = Phonics, Mr. Giusti = Writing
When are we allowed to purchase a snack? Shop for rewards?
Snack: 10:30 Rewards: Fridays, after PM meeting