What website can you find most assignments posted to?
Google Classroom
What must you do before you can answer/ask a question?
Raise your hand
How often will we use Chromebooks in class
Almost Every Day
True/False, your Chromebook needs to be charged for class.
How many people should be talking at a time?
Just One
How long after a due date for a minor assignment can you turn in the work to still receive credit?
You cannot.
Do you need to ask to get up to throw trash away?
Once the first bell at the beginning of the school day rings, where should your phone be, and in what state should it be in?
It should be in your backpack, and powered down.
What PAPER material should you have every day for class?
Vocab Sheet
What should a student do after they have sat in their assigned seat?
Log into PearDeck and complete the Globle
How many points are MOST minor assignments worth in Mr. Dockrey's class. (2 Numbers)
5 and 10 Points
If the online pass system is not letting you make a pass, what should you do?
Ask Mr. Dockrey to make one if it is an emergency. Otherwise, wait.
When are headphones permitted in class
ONLY with teacher approval.
If your chromebook is dead/taken, do you have to do the work?
Of course you do!
When is food allowed in the classroom?
What are the steps for content recovery in order?
1. Email Mr. Dockrey
2. Go to Tutoring
3. Complete Alternate Assignment
What happens if you do not meet the expectations of Mr. Dockrey's Class.
You will be asked to leave and be written up.
What happens the second time your phone/device is taken by a teacher? (Offense 3)
Phone is taken to the office and parent/guardian needs to retrieve it.
For projects, what are you required to buy?
Nothing, Mr. Dockrey will provide a sheet/poster for you.
Name 3 Class Jobs
Attendance Taker, Secretary, Front of Class Organizer, Greeter, Paper Passer Outer, Plant Care, Animal Care
80 Points
Where do you find the Student Poor Behavior Form? (Hint: This is filled out when you are told to refocus or fix a behavior multiple times.)
In Google Classroom
What happens if your device/phone is taken for a 4th time (offense 5)
Device will be taken to office, parent/guardian needs to retrieve it, at LEAST one day of OSS
What happens if you mess up on BOTH sides of your project paper Mr. Dockrey gave you?
Pick the best side or buy one.
What should happen in the last 5 minutes of class?
Pack up bags, clean up your area.