What does “piacere” mean?
What is “nice to meet you”
Come si dice “chicken“ in italiano?
what is “pollo”
How many kids does Prof.ssa Libonati have?
what is “2 girls (due ragazze)”
What 2 regions are a part of Italy but not attached to the country?
what is “sicily (Sicilia) and Sardinia (Sardegna)“
What is Lucas friends name that he meets on land?
What is “giulia”
What does “di dove sei” mean?
what is “where are you from”
What’s in carbonara (traditionally)?
what is “eggs (uovo) , cheese (formaggio) , pepper (pepe) , pancetta”
How long have Prof.ssa Libonati and Mr. Libonati been married for?
what is “27 years (ventisette anni)”
What ocean surrounds Italy?
what is “the Mediterranean Sea (Il mare mediterraneo)”
What is Pinocchio‘s dads name?
what is “Geppetto”
Come si dice “i have a question” in italiano?
what is “ho una domanda”
Is spaghetti and meatballs a traditional Italian meal?
what is “no its an American dish”
Dove è nata?
what is “long island (Manhasset)”
How many volcanoes are in Italy?
what is “12 (dodici)”
What region in Italy does Luca take place?
what is “the Italian riviera or portorosso”
What does “come stai” mean and is it formal or informal?
what is “how are you” and “informal”
When was pizza invented in Italy?
what is “the 19th century”
Qual è il suo cibo preferito?
what is “ravioli”
what is “40%”
What does Pinocchio translate into in English?
what is “pine eyes”
Come si dice “may i have water please?” in italiano?
what is “posso averse dell‘acqua per favore?”
Around how many shapes of pasta are there?
what is “600 shapes”
Qual è la sua città preferita in Italia?
what is “Florence (Firenze)”
Qual è la città più grande ‘Italian?
what is “Rome (Roma)”
How many versions of Pinocchio are there?
what is “41”