1. What type of government did Athens have?
2. How did it work?
1. Direct Democracy
2. The people (citizens) directly participated in government
What was the law code in Rome?
Twelve Tables
What philosophy did Shi Huangdi base his government on?
1. Who is the most famous Indian emperor?
2. Which empire did he rule?
1. Asoka
2. Mauryan Empire
The biggest difference between Spartan women and Athenian women was...
Women in Sparta exercised and could inherit land, while women in Athens were expected to stay in the home
Which geographic feature served as a barrier to political unity and encouraged the rise of city-states?
Mountain ranges/Mountains
Rome was originally a republic, how did a republic work?
The people elected representatives instead of participating directly in government
The Chinese belief that the gods/heaven could take away a ruler's power
The Mandate of Heaven
What was Asoka's law code called?
Pillars of Asoka OR Edicts of Asoka
A period of peace, safety, and prosperity during the Roman Empire under the rule of Augustus
The Pax Romana
What was the biggest difference between Sparta and Athens?
Sparta was based on the military
Athens was based on education and government
What was the biggest short-term cause of the Fall of Rome?
Germanic Invasions
What was a major effect of China's geography?
They became very isolated due to mountains
What are the 2 mountain ranges that go along India's border?
Himalayas and Hindu Kush
One of the biggest cultural achievements of the Gupta Dynasty that showcase paintings and murals on the walls
Caves at Ajanta
This type of civilization was a result of Alexander the Great's conquests and a mixing of cultures
Hellenistic Civilization
How did the Roman empire's system of rule differ from the Republic?
There was an emperor that had all of the power instead of elected officials
What was one major way Shi Huangdi maintained power?
The burning of Confucian books
in which period did India experience a golden age?
Under the Gupta Dynasty
Before Shi Huangdi died, he had this made to be put in his tomb with him
Terracotta Army
This Athenian ruler brought in a Golden Age
The Roman government had different branches and positions, why was it designed this way?
To incorporate checks and balances on power
The rise and fall of dynasties is known as the...
Dynastic Cycle
1. What was the name of the battle that changed Asoka?
2. Why was it a turning point for Asoka?
1. Battle of Kalinga
2. He was so upset with the death that he converted to Buddhism and stopped conquests
The Chinese belief that they were the only source of civilization