This psychologist discovered classical conditioning
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
This is a stimulus that naturally triggers a response
What is an unconditioned stimulus?(UCS)?
This experiment conditioned a baby to fear a white rat
What is the little Albert experiment?
Feeling hungry when you hear the sound of an ice cream truck is an example of this type of learning
What is classical conditioning?
A child gets excited when they hear the ice cream truck jingle the jingle is the stimulus
What is a condition stimulus?
Pavlov originally studied this topic before discovering conditioning
What is digestion?
This is a learned response to a previous previously neutral stimulus
What is a condition Response(CR)?
Little Albert was conditioned to fear, other white, fluffy objects, demonstrating this concept
What is generalization?
Developing a fear of dogs after being bitten is called this
What is conditioned fear?
A dog celebrating at the site of food is this type of response
What is unconditioned Response?
In Pavlov experiment, this stimulus originally had no effect but later cause salvation
What is a bell?
When a similar stimulus to the conditioned one causes the same response, it is called
What is generalization?
This behaviorist conducted the little Albert
Who is Jon B. Watson?
Advertisers often use celebrities in commercials, severer associate their product with positive feelings this is an example of this type of condition
What is conditioning?
If a student gets nervous when they hear the school bill because the sign has the nervousness this
What is a conditioned response?
The natural reaction of a dog salivating to food is known as this
What is a unconditioned Response?
When a conditioned response is learned more quickly after it was previously extinct it is called this
What is a spontaneous recovery?
In an experiment with cats, Edward Thorndike formulated this principle which influence operate conditioning
What is the law of effect?
Someone who gets sick after eating sushi may avoid in the future. This is known
What is taste aversion?
A person cringing when they hear nails on a truck board is reacting to this type of stimulus
What is unconditioned stimulus?
This process occurs when the condition response disappears after the condition stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus
What is extinction?
The process of distinguishing between similar stimuli it is called this
What is discrimination?
BF Skinner built on classical conditioning with this type of learning which focuses on reinforcement and punishment
What is operant conditioning?
If you feel anxious every time you hear a Dentist drill because of past painful experiences the drill is this type of stimulus
Which is a condition stimulus?
If a person starts sweating when they hear a certain ringtone because it reminds them of a stressful phone call the ringtone is this
What is a condition stimulus?