At what age did Beethoven start taking piano lessons?
four years old.
How many operas did Mozart write?
Where did Haydn work?
The great palace of Esterharvi.
What is an Aria?
A sung solo that is often repetitive.
What are the two main types of Opera?
Opera seria & Opera buffa.
Beethoven's last and greatest symphony?
Symphony no.9
Where was Mozart buried?
In a mass grave.
What did Haydn get kicked out of choir for?
Cutting someones hair off.
What is a chorus?
A large group of people singing.
What is chamber music?
A small group of musicians playing in an intimate setting.
At what age did Beethoven begin to lose hearing?
twenty years old.
At what age did Mozart finish his first symphony?
Twelve years old.
How many keyboard Sonatas did Haydn write?
sixty keyboard sonatas.
What is a Concerto?
A highlight on one instrument/person in front of an opera.
How long was the Classical era?
In what year did Beethoven die?
How many compositions did Mozart write?
Over six hundred.
How many symphonies did Haydn write?
What is the synopsis?
The summary of the plot.
What type of music was popular in this period?
elegant, formal, and restrained.
Who did Beethoven take lessons from?
How many days would it take to perform all of Mozart's music?
nine days.
Where did Haydn do choir?
St. stephen's cathedral.
What is the libretto?
The text that is often written by someone other than the composer.
What happened to composers during this period?
They became more strict with their directions.