This man was Alexander the Great's father and was responsible for defeating the Greek city-states.
What does the word "Hellenistic" mean?
Like the Greeks
This man is considered the "Father of History". Wrote the first history book concerning the Persian Wars.
This man was a famous early historian. He wrote a detailed account of the Peloponnesian War.
Which philosopher created a teaching method that involves asking questions to students to guide them to the correct answer?
What event happened that made Alexander king at the age of 20?
His father, the king, was assassinated.
Which city in Egypt did Alexander found (create), that one grow to become a center of learning and art and would become one of the great cities of the Mediterranean world?
What purpose in the ancient Olympics serve?
The honor the god Zeus
Which Greek architectural feature is most recognizable today? Which feature makes people say "yep that's a replica of a ancient Greek building"
Greek columns
According to Plato, who was the ideal leader of the government?
A philosopher-king
Alexander's empire stretched around 3000 miles from east to west. List the 3 continents that were included as part of Alexander's empire.
Asia, Africa, and Europe
(Bonus points for anything over 2 achievements)
-Designed and built siege weapons and weapons of war
-Calculated the mathematical value of pi
-Scientifically explained buoyancy (why things sink or float)
-Studied physics
-Scientifically explained the level and the pulley
Which man is considered the "Father of Medicine". He wrote a code for doctors to follow. Doctors today still swear an oath named after this person.
There are two types or categories of Greek dramas. Name them.
Bonus points if you can name a famous Greek playwright who was well known for his humorous and satirical plays.
Bonus answer: Aristophanes (yes you need to know him)
Define the word "philosophy"
love of wisdom
List one example from the DBQ or your own social studies knowledge that proves Alexander left a lasting legacy even after his death.
Possible responses:
-He founded 70 cities
-The Hellenistic period lasted 300 year in most of western Asia
-Greek was the official language in Jordan for 1000 years after his death
-Roman emperors were wearing his image on their clothing 500 years after his death.
How did sculptures change from the ancient Greek period to the Hellenistic Greek period?
Ancient Greek sculptures typically depicted the ideal or perfect human.
Hellenistic Greek sculptures typically depicted more realistic versions of humans with emotions.
What are Greek myths?
Traditional stories about the gods and goddesses.
Most often also explain natural events and phenomenons (earthquakes, the sun moving across the sky, etc.)
This man wrote two very famous epic poems that describe the Trojan War and a soldier's attempt to return home at the end of the war.
Bonus if you can also name the two epic poems.
Bonus answers: The Iliad and Odyssey
Stoics (believers of Stoicism) believed that _________ should guide all of your decision making and that you should ignore your ____________ when making these decisions.
(Must answer both blanks correctly)
Alexander crossed which major river and fought his last battle before turning around and heading back to Macedonia?
Indus River
What happened to Alexander's empire after his death?
His four generals divided empire into 4 separate kingdoms, each ruling their own part.
Considered the "Father of Geometry". Wrote basically the world's first geometry textbook.
What is the name of the Greek literature that involves a short story that teaches a moral or lesson and usually has animals as the main characters?
Bonus: who was the most famous author of fables?
Bonus answer: Aesop
(The Tortoise and the Hare, the Boy who Cried Wolf, The Fox and the Grapes, etc.)
Which philosopher famously tutored Alexander the Great for a few years?