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Man's experience in economy is critical to understanding experiences across time and history. Changes in the means of production are what drive history.
What is Marx's theory of Dialectical Materialism?
Weber's 4 types of social action.
What is Zweckrational, Wertrational, Affective Action, and Traditional Action?
One is the utility of consuming a good, the other is the demand created by the market.
What is Marx's use value vs. exchange value?
A clear separation between Negroes and whites, through which we can see the other race. It differs in thickness and the ability to lift.
What is Du Bois' "The Veil"?
The process of human capacity to understand surroundings and exhibit goal-oriented behaviour, the ability for actors to view themselves as objects, and the combination and organization of the first two.
Who is Mead's "Mind, Self, Society"?
The idea that social institutions only exist because of people's ideas and social action.
What is Weber's theory of Nominalism?
Mead's view of child development: The stages of the development of self.
What is imitation stage, play stage, game stage, and generalized other?
Two subsections of the "economic base". One requires knowledge and labour force, while the other refers to the social relations which control & organize production.
What is Marx's forces of production vs. relations of production?
The social groups whose task it is to provide an interpretation of the world for that society. They systemize the world's ideas.
What is Mannheim's "The Intelligentsia"?
The three main viewpoints of the Chicago School.
What is the focus on poverty and social problems, the use of research for social reform, and participant observation (Verstehen).
The thingification of social relations. This causes people to believe that their social structures are beyond their control, natural, and absolute.
What is Marx's "Reification"?
Mead's stages in "The Act" (the individual's response to stimulus)
What is impulse, perception, manipulation, and consummation?
One is the creative, non-conformist part of the self, the other is the regulating part of the self that is aware of the views of others.
What is Mead's "I" vs. "Me"?
The idea that Negroes were simultaneously outsiders and insiders to the dominant white society, separated only by the veil.
What is Du Bois' "Double Consciousness"?
Marx's 3 types of alienation.
What is alienation from species-being, alienation from the product, and alienation from fellow workers?
The idea that the view that we have of our own selves is based off of how we imagine others view us.
What is Cooley's "Looking Glass Self"?
Schutz's 4 realms of the social world.
What is Umwelt, Mitweld, Folgewelt, and Vorwelt?
One consists of owners who are imposers of work and rules to make money, the other consists of workers who do their job and struggle within the working class.
What is Marx's class in itself vs. class of itself?
An interpretive understanding, or participatory observation of social phenomena.
What is Weber's Verstehen?
Define Weber's understanding of value neutrality, value judgements, and value relevance.
What is the expectation that scientists are objective in their studies, the evaluation of something that is influenced by our actions as worthy of condemnation or approval, and our basic criteria for choice of issues in social sciences?
The process in which industries constantly revolutionize themselves. New products and businesses are created which replace the previously existing industries.
What is Schumpeter's "Creative Destruction"?
Parsons' 4 functional imperatives that are characteristic of all systems?
What is AGIL? Adaptation, Goal attainment, Integration, and Latency?
One is a result of the ideological control that the Proletariat are not aware that they're under, the other is the awakening that occurs when the Proletariat realizes the control.
What is Marx's false consciousness vs. class consciousness?
A class that has characteristics of religiosity, propensity to fight, sport, and gambling. Associated with waste, futility, and ferocity.
What is Veblen's Leisure Class?
One is a superficial collection of people who have the same relationship to the economic situation, one is similar to the first but determined by the distribution of social honour, and one aims for social power and represents the interests of the first two groupings.
What is Weber's Class, Status, Party?