What is the smallest and most specific form of classification? This is the second part of the binomial nomenclature system.
Which scientist went on a 5 year voyage to the Galapagos Islands and studied various species; ultimately proposing a theory of Evolution by Natural Selection?
Charles Darwin
What is another term for Natural Selection?
What does the term "Fitness" mean?
How well an organism can survive and reproduce in its given environment.
structures that we have, but no longer use/need. (whale hip/leg bones)
What is a diagram used that displays the evolution of derived characteristics in organisms called?
A Cladogram
Which scientist theorized that acquired traits are inherited; for example, Giraffes necks got longer over time due to stretching their necks to reach leaves in trees.
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
What ultimately determines an organism's fitness?
Selective breeding of plants and animals to promote the occurrence of desirable traits in offspring
Artificial Selection
How can two populations of the same squirrel species later become two different species?
Geographic isolation (physically separated for a long period of time to where they adapt differently to their new environments and can no longer interbreed)
Genus species (1st letter of Genus is capitalized, 1st word of species is lowercase)
Who was an economist that believed the human population would eventually overpopulate and there would not be enough resources to support it?
Thomas Malthus
Following a wildfire, a squirrel population originally made up of 100 squirrels, with three patterns of fur color (Brown, Grey, and Black) has been reduced to 22 squirrels. Assuming some of these squirrels survive and reproduce, what color do you expect to be most frequent in the next generation and why?
Grey; due to the color of ash/soot.
Structures that share a common function, but not a common structure.
Analogous Structures
What 3 factors affect the rate of Evolution?
1. Population Size, 2. Reproduction Rate, 3. Mutation Rate
What is the order of the 7 taxa from broadest to most specific?
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Who is known as the father of Taxonomy?
Carl Linneaus
What is the only way new traits can be introduced into a population's gene pool?
A pattern of natural selection in which individuals at one end of a distribution curve have higher fitness than those in the middle or at the other end.
Directional Selection
A population with a larger gene pool is more likely to survive a catastrophic event because it has more ____________.
Genetic Diversity
Which domain are plants, animals, and fungi in?
Domain Eukarya
Which scientist proposed a theory of Evolution by Natural Selection around the same time as Darwin? His paper is what convinced Darwin to publish his discoveries.
Alfred Wallace
What are three (out of 4) ways to determine relationships among organisms?
DNA, Embryology, Homologous Structures, and Fossil Records
Form of genetic drift where there is a change in allele frequency due to a dramatic reduction in population size; usually caused by a catastrophic event or natural disaster.
Bottleneck Effect
What is the endosymbiotic theory?
Prokaryotic cells were engulfed by larger cells to create eukaryotic cells. An aerobic prokaryote became the mitochondria and a photosynthetic prokaryote was engulfed and became a chloroplast.