Another word to describe the process of magma/lava cooling
Smaller pieces of bigger rocks
The thinnest and outermost layer of Earth
The process of sediments layering on top of each other.
Rocks formed from the solidification of magma/lava
Igneous Rocks
Rocks that have many layers and are formed from sediments.
Sedimentary Rocks
The process of sediments moving from one place to another by wind, water, or gravity.
The process of breaking rocks into sediment.
The process of sediment layers being pressed together
Rocks formed from extreme heat and pressure inside the Earth's crust.
Metamorphic Rock
The gluing together of layers caused by the evaporation of water.
A type of igneous rock formed above the Earth's crust with small crystals due to a faster cooling time
The continual process of one type of rock turning into another type
The Rock Cycle
A type of igneous rock formed below Earth's crust with big crystals due to a slower cooling time