my fav show is Paw patrol
what is FR and what does it mean. Also give example
Fixed ratio means the reinforcement is delivered after the completion of a number of responses. The required number of responses remains constant.
What are the behavior tracked for RP and how do we track them
Sib- FR
what does MEI stand for
Multiple Exemplar instruction
Name 2 programs you should always get with RP no matter what
respond to name, follow directions (stop & go), wash hands, bathroom, help me, eat, Pe
Food is not reinforcing to me
partially MS, JS
what is VR give example
variable ratio means the response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses
Name behaviors and how we track them for MS
How many targets do you put out for RP match 2d to 2d program
2 target and 1 white block
name the programs we are tracking for RS
transitions, request go, respond to name, eye contact, put items on shelf
I can't go outside before my car is called
MS and RS
what is DRO or what does it stand for?
Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior DRO is used to reduce or eliminate challenging behaviors by reinforcing any behavior other than the negative behavior.
EX:If a child engages in tantrums to gain access to a preferred toy, a therapist may implement a DRO procedure by reinforcing the child for not engaging in a tantrum for a specific period of time, such as five minutes.
Name behaviors and how we track them for RS
How long does RS stay in a room
Name two TA for MS
Handwashing, wipe table, sweep floor
I can't have Red dye
what is DRI
Differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior
increase the occurrence of desirable behaviors while reducing or eliminating unwanted behavior
ex. if a child engages in physical aggression to gain access to toys, a therapist may implement a DRI procedure by reinforcing the child for engaging in a non-aggressive behavior, such as playing with a puzzle or coloring book, that is incompatible with physical aggression.
Name JS behaviors and how we track them
within how many inches does RS have to point in order to count his "go"
1 inch
what is one 3d program for MS
match animal, Match train track,block
My allergies are milk and bananas
what is DRA
Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior DRA is when reinforcement is withheld for an inappropriate behavior, and a functionally equivalent or alternative, positive behavior is reinforced.
ex. If a child engages in disruptive behavior to gain attention, a therapist may implement a DRA procedure by reinforcing appropriate behavior, such as raising their hand or asking for attention in a polite manner, instead of the disruptive behavior.
any instance RP moves 5 feet away without permission and does not respond to teacher redirection to come back.
what program should always be ran for each kid
what is 1 new program for MS
FVD, gain attention