Student Center
Tiger Ten
Entering and Exiting
Water and Materials

What is the procedure for needing to use the bathroom before 10/10 as an emergency?

What is... Tell Mrs. Heyer before the class starts. 


All borrowed items must be returned in what condition?

What is... the same condition or better. 


How often is a student suppose to check for any missing assignments?

What is... everyday on Infinite Campus.


When entering and exiting the classroom, what is the expected voice level?

What is... Voice level 0.


If given permission to use the classroom water fountain, the student is expected to...?

What is... walk silently to the fountain without disturbing class. 


How do you ask for permission to use the restroom?

What is... raise my hand and wait to be called on.


If items are not being return, Materials will be purchased using what?

What is... Liveschool Points.


What is expected from a student when they have a question or comment?

What is... Raise your hand and wait to be called on (do not blurt out, no sidebar conversations, giggling, laughing, etc.).


What is the student expected to work on before class begins?

What is... the bell ringer.


If a student realizes they forgot to get materials needed for class before the conclusion of the bell ringer, what is the procedure for the student to retrieve materials needed?

What is... Raise hand and wait to be called on. 


What is the 10/10 rule?

What is... no one leaves the class during the first and last 10 minutes of class.


When should the student have all the materials they need for class?

What is... before the conclusion of the bell ringer.


While transitioning in the hallway, what is the expected voice level?

What is... Voice level 1.


Before leaving the classroom, the student will...?

What is... clean up their area, straighten desk and push in chairs.


When a student is given permission to get up for water or materials, what is the expectation for the student moving about the classroom?

What is... walk silently, do not stop and talk, and do not disturb the class.


What do I need ready before asking to use the restroom?

What is... my restroom pass.


What should the student do if materials are running low?

What is... Tell Mrs. Heyer so she can restock with extra materials.


What is the expectation when a student is speaking to another student or staff member?

What is... Speak to others respectfully (no profanity, vulgarity, or name calling).


Where do the students backpacks belong during class?

What is... on the back of the chair or beside the desk.


Once a student has gotten out of their seat to sharpen their pencil more than ONCE in a class period, what is the expected procedure?

What is... The student will take a handheld sharpener back to the desk for the remainder of the period, and return it when class is over.


What TWO things do you need to take with you for you to leave the classroom?

What is... Bathroom pass and hall pass. 


What happens once we run out of extra materials?

What is... Once were out were out. 


What is expected from a student when a student or teacher is speaking?

What is... be quiet and listen, do not look around or try to get the attention of others.


When entering the classroom the student will read the board and before class begins gather...?

What is... Gather any and all materials needed for class.


Refusal to comply with any classroom or school expectations could result in... ?

What is... a minor or major.