Teaching mindfulness activities
Standard SEL1: The child will be able to recognize, identify, and express his/her emotions..........
Standard SEL4: The child will demonstrate impulse control and stress management. ..................
The teacher gives children a verbal warning because
transition is about to happen
This area has baby dolls, play kitchen, dress up clothes and other real life household items
dramatic play
teacher uses a bell
The learning areas are divided by using
Introducing children to children's literature about different social events such as; moving to a new school, learning about families
Standard SEL11: The child will demonstrate beginning personal,
social, and ethical responsibility............................................................
Stories that use individual child's name and behavior to help them understand the consequences of their behavior.
Scripted stories
Blocks, cars, trucks, play people, animals and street signs
Block area
foot prints on the floor are used for
children to line up (sink, door, etc)
State two loud areas that are placed close to each other
dramatic play and blocks
The classroom has a visual that explains to children to stop, think and use your words to respond to conflicts.
Standard SEL9: The child will demonstrate the ability to manage conflict. .
Teacher displays these to help remind children how to behave
Visuals... rules
puppets, calming bottles, pillows, soothing colors, books
peace or calm down area (ALone space)
Transition songs are used daily to maintain consistency so children know what will happen next
This area is usually placed by the sink and on the tile floor
child knows some important information about self (e.g., first and last name, parents’/guardians’ names).
child sho recognition of self as a unique individual (i.e., some things that distinguish him/her from others).
Standard SEL2: The child will demonstrate accurate self-perception.
This document is submitted at the beginning of the program year and posted in the classroom, with pictures for the children. It includes teacher directed activities, such as, large group and small group, along with child directed activities, such as, free choice and outdoor experiences. Routines like meals, rest time, and transitions are included too.
What is daily schedule?
magnets, plants, magnify glasses, books, posters.
science area
During clean up, one teacher should help children and the other teacher should...
be on the rug ready for the children
This area has a large area to group all of the children
Rug area for circle time
Child can identify and appreciate the abilities, skills, and qualities of others.
Child shows respect for others by using social conventions (e.g., raising hand to speak, taking turns, respecting authority
Standard SEL6: The child will recognize diversity and demonstrate respect for others
Teachers post signs and labels using pictures and words throughout the classroom.
language rich learning environment
paint, paper, glue, scissors, markers, pencils and tape
art area
True or False
To minimize behavioral problems, classrooms should have less transitions
State 3 items to help chidren feel a sense of belonging
cubby space with thie name and photo, photos and art work displayed, household items (plants, curtains) skin tone baby dolls, diverse books