When do you raise your hand?
Getting the teachers attention.
Before getting out of my seat.
To ask to go to the restroom.
To ask or answer a question.
True or false
My Chromebook is a privilege
" Sarah needs to ask the teacher a question about yesterday's assignment. However the teacher is already busy helping another student"
What should Sarah do to get her teacher's attention?
She should raise her hand and wait until the teacher is finished helping the other student.
Which side of the hallway should you walk on ?
The right side of the hallway
How should you enter the room and what should you begin doing?
Quietly enter the room. Place your backpacks on the rack. Go to your sit, and then log into your device and begin the bell work.
What learning platform do we use?
Google Classroom
"Jeff was excited that he had finally beat Coach Pickle in a game of H.O.R.S.E. In the Hallway Jeff was celebrated by his friends by loud chanting followed by cool dance moves. When Jeff arrives to class he gives one last Hoorah and began telling his classmates about his new victory"
What did Jeff do Wrong?
He did not come into the room quietly.
He did not come in and immediately start his bell work.
What do you need to have with you at all times if you need to go to the restroom during class?
A restroom pass
When can you not go to the restroom?
The First 10 minutes of class
The Last 10 minutes of class
While I'm teaching or giving instructions
What shall I do if I am having issues with my technology or need to charge my chromebook ?
Raise my hand and wait for teachers assistance
Raise my hand to ask and plug it up
"Vanessa is having trouble opening an application on her device. She needs help to fix her device, so she calls her teacher's name. Once Vanessa realized that her teacher was not going to answer she gets up and walks over to her teacher to get help."
What did Vanessa do wrong?
She did not raise her hand when she needed to get her teachers attention
She did not have permission to get out her seat
I am allowed to put my hood on my head
At the end of class, how do we exit the classroom?
Clean up trash around your seat.
Sit in my seat quietly waiting to be dismissed.
Walk carefully out the door.
I will not have to log in to my chromebook to complete my bellringer
"Caleb is a new student in this class and he needs to go to the restroom. He asks the student sitting next to him what are the rules for going to the restroom"
What advice would you give Caleb about the restroom rules and going before class?
Before you ask to go to the restroom, you need to fill out the pass in your planner -- as long as it isn't the first 10 or last 10 minutes of class.
The bathroom monitors may not allow you to go between classes.
What is the fee amount you must pay to the office if you get caught on your phone for a 3rd time.
How many tardies do you receive in any one class before you receive a lunch detention?
How many redirections do you get before you use chromebook privileges for the entire grading period (9 weeks)
"Hannah was absent for the past 3 days. When she returns to class her teacher hands her the assignments she missed when she was absent.
How many days do Hannah have to complete her work before it is considered late?
Hannah has 3 days to turn in her work before is considered late.
I am allowed to put stickers on my chromebook