What 3 things Cardinals always are?
Respectful, Responsible, and Safe
Where do you get new pencils for the day?
The bucket in the front of the classroom.
This is what you NEVER do to your completed work.
Hand it to Mrs. Frick
How do we walk in the hallway?
Right behind the person in front of you, looking forward, voices off
What things to you take to specials?
Just yourself
What happens if you do not put her name on your paper?
It gets thrown away.
How are we respectful, responsible and safe on the playground?
Be kind, keep your hands to yourself, use equipment correctly.
When is a good time to use the restroom?
What happens if you don't do your best on an assignemnt?
Do it nice or do it twice
What happens if you don't finish your work during class?
It goes in your ketchup folder.
How are you responsible in the lunch room?
Visit quietly, eat your lunch, keep your area clean
When do you enter the classroom?
Only if a teacher is in there.
How should you get Mrs. Frick's attention?
Raise your hand and wait patiently. Do not come chasing me down!
What happens if you are talking in class or distraction other students?
You may owe a lap
Who gets up to pass out papers?
The class helper.
How are you responsible in the classroom?
Voices off, following direction, using your working time wisely.
What do you do when you are finished with your work for the day?
Read a book and take an AR
What should you do if you need to tell Mrs. Frick something important or personal.
Wait until quiet working time or recess, not during a lesson.
Does center work need to be turned in?