Completing Assignments
Work Ethic
Classroom Routines
Behavior Expectations

What should you do if you do not understand a concept that is being taught?

Raise your hand and ask a specific question. 


TRUE OR FALSE: If your computer is about to die, you should ignore the warning and wait until it dies to get up and plug it in. 

FALSE: I am 100% confident in your ability to use a computer. PLUG in your computer BEFORE the screen turns black. 


What are the expectations for the beginning of class?

Get your materials, complete the warm up, and read your novel. 



If someone makes an off-task statement, what should you do?

Ignore the statement and continue to do your work. 


When can you attend tutoring?

Every morning and in the afternoon by appointment. 


TRUE OR FALSE: Assignments will be graded ONLY if they are 100% completed. 

TRUE: Incomplete assignments will be RETURNED to sender without a grade. 


What is the homework expectations?

Read your novel for at least 30 minutes and complete missing assignments. 


What do you do if you finish an assignment before time is up?

Work on Springboard practice, study vocabulary lists, or silently read your novel.


If you see someone off-task on their device, what should you do?

Politely tell them to get back to work or Snitch. It's okay. In the long run, you're doing them a favor. 


What are three ways to show you are participating in the learning process?

Take notes, ask questions, verbally review content, complete assignments and practices.


Cell phones are permitted in class if you are using a learning website like Kahoot or Blooket. 

FALSE. Cellphones MUST be turned off and placed in your backpack. 


What do you do if you do not remember a concept or skill that was previously taught?

Use your notes in your digital notebook to refresh your memory, or use an approved on-line resource. 


What are the expectations for the last 2 minutes of class?

Clean and straighten your area and stand behind your pushed-in chair.


What is the expectation when someone visits our classroom?

Continue doing your assignment or read your book. You must always show the best version of yourself. This is not the time to put bad behavior on display. 


What happens if you do not follow classroom procedures?

You will receive disciplinary consequences as determined by the me, the teacher. 


What are the expectations if you are absent from class?

You are still required to complete your assignments. Sign into Google classroom and follow the instructions to get them done. 


What are the expectations for group work?

Partners must speak and work equally together to complete the assignment. Do not just sit and copy. 


When is the best time to use the restroom in order to maximize learning time?

Use the restroom during the transition between classes. 


What is the expectation when I am speaking or another student is sharing?

Keep silent and listen. If you have something to add, raise your hands and wait to speak. 


What are the expectations for walking in the hallway if we have to leave the classroom?

Walk in a silent, single-file line. 


What are the expectations for using Springboard?

You MUST complete all your assigned reading by the due date. 


TRUE OR FALSE: When doing INDEPENDENT work, it is okay to ask your partner for the answer or sneak a peek at your neighbor's computer screen. 

FALSE: Independent means not dependent on another. This means you work ALONE. This is the time to assess your own learning. 


How do you respond to a question if you are called on?

Use a complete sentence/sentence stem in your response. 


How can you avoid getting disciplinary consequences?

Follow classroom procedures and expectations at all times. 


What are the expectations for your digital notebook?

Keep your notebook updated and use it to review concepts we have learned.