How should your body be when learning either at your desk or the carpet?
Your bodies should be still and in your area.
How will you know when it is time to line up?
How many students of the same gender can be gone from the classroom at the same time?
One student of each gender can be out of the classroom at the same time.
How should your actions and words be in the classroom?
When we line up our hands are....
To yourself
How long are bathroom or water breaks?
Students have three minutes to go and return from the bathroom or water fountain.
When should you touch classroom materials?
You should only touch classroom materials when asked by the teacher.
When we line up, we have slow....
Students wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before eating lunch or snack.
What should we do when we want to speak or share an idea in class?
You should raise your hand when you want to speak.
When we line up, we have quiet...
When the teacher calls "class, class, class" what does the group reply?
What should your body look like when someone else is speaking?
When someone else is speaking, your voice is quiet, your body is still, and you are looking at the speaker.
When we are in line and going down the hall, we stay...
On the right-hand side of the hall
When you are eating and do not have your mask up, what must you do?
Keep social distance between myself and others in the classroom.