When you come in the room what should you do?
Sit down in your seat, get started on your bellringer silently by yourself
What should you do when you finish classwork?
If its on the chromebook turn it in. If it goes in the tray, wait until you are told to turn it in. Then sit quietly.
What do you do when it is time to leave?
Sit silently and wait to be dismissed
If you need a pencils what should you do?
If you need to use the restroom what should you do?
What do you write when you do the bellringer?
You write everything on the board unless the directions say not to or the teacher tells you not to
How should your work be completed?
In complete sentences and take your time. Don't rush. Rushed work isn't quality work.
If the teacher or another student is talking what should you be doing?
Sitting silently and raising your hand if you have a question or want to say something.
Raise your hand and ask.
If you need to get the teachers attention what should you do?
Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Don't blurt out. If you aren't called on right away be patient.
Where do you write your bellringers?
If we are doing group or partner work how should you move around the room?
Quietly and then wait for further instructions on what to do
If the phone rings or someone enters the room what should you be doing?
Working quietly or sitting quietly until the teacher is done handling whatever it is.
If you need to sharpen your pencil, throw something away, grab your book, etc. what should you do?
Raise your hand and ask. Nobody should be out of there seat without asking.
Sit quietly and wait until we start our next activity. Turn it in if needed.
If you are missing work in skyward then what should you do?
Ask the teacher where to find and get the assignment completed and turned in.
When we have a fire drill or tornado drill what should you do?
Sit quietly and wait for teacher instruction
What should you do at all times in the classroom and with your classwork?
What benefit do your bellringers give you?
They are graded and are a great resource to study for each unit.
Where you can you find most schoolwork on the chromebook?
In schoology under social studies and under the correct unit folder.
How should you treat other classmates and teachers?