What does Ready Position Mean.
Face Forward
Listening Ears
Face Forward
What dose S.O.A.R
Show Responsibility
Help Others
Active Learning
Be Respectful
Where do you get new pencils for the day? Where do you put it when you are done with it for that class?
The Basket by Ms.Leonard's desk.
This is what you NEVER do to your completed work.
Hand it to Ms. Leonard
What does Hallway expectations look like in the hallway?
Straight Line
Face Forward
Hands Behind Back
Catching a bubble
When finished using your lab top, where should you place the computer when finished?
On the Computer Tables to be charged
Who is responsible for charging your Chromebook?
When are assignments due?
The posted due date.
What does Lunchroom Expectations look like.
Staying in Seat during Lunch Period
Using inside voices
No sharing foods
Cleaning up after yourself
What S.O.A.R Expectation/Keep Area Clean
Show Responsibility
What might happen if homework isn't completed on time?
Talk to Ms. Leonard and complete ASAP. You may lose points.
How are you responsible in the lunch room
Make sure your area is clean
keeping your hands and feet to yourself
Using appropriate Language
When do you enter the classroom?
When asked to enter by Ms. Leonard
How should you get Ms. Leonard's or Mrs. Hanson's attention?
Raise your hand and wait patiently. Do not come chasing me down!
What happens if you are talking in class or distracting other students?
Redirection by staff to get back on task
what can SOAR look like in the classroom
Raising a quiet hand before speaking
Staying in your assigned seat
Using inside voice
Respecting others
What do you do when you are finished with your work for the day?
Raise a quiet hand until called upon to notify the teacher.
What should you do if you need to tell Ms. Leonard or Mrs. Hanson something important or personal?
Raise a quiet hand until called upon and ask to speak with the teacher Privately.
What is your favorite type of music?