When should I sharpen my pencil?
In the morning or at the end of the day. NOT when Mrs. Espenshied is talking!!!
What are Mrs. E's signals for lining up?
1 - stand together silently
2 - push chairs in
3 - line up alphabetically & silently
What does B3 stand for?
Be a Better Brave and Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be a Role Model
What do you do between the time you arrive at school and morning announcements?
Read the board, unpack and hang backpack on chairs, get all materials ready for the day, begin morning work silently, get breakfast and eat up! (Go to the bathroom, sharpen pencils if needed).
Where is Mrs. Espenshied's favorite vacation spot?
Where does my pencil go at the end of each day?
In the gray container so I can earn PBIS points.
What do you do when the doorbell is rung?
Freeze, stop what you're doing, eyes on Mrs. E, voices off, listen for instructions
How can you be a Respectful Brave?
Good answers earn points. :)
How do you walk in the halls?
Silently, on the 3rd tile, behind the person in front of me
What kind of animal does Mrs. E have as a pet? What is her name?
She has a labradoodle dog and her name is Gemma!!!!
What supplies belong in my supply caddy at all times?
6 glue sticks, 5 highlighters, 5 white boards/clip boards, and dry erase markers.
How can a student earn points and rewards?
Individually - PBIS points
Tables - earn lunch in the classroom
Whole class - class celebration from full jar of warm & fuzzies
How can you be a Responsible Brave?
Good answers earn points?
When should I use the bathroom?
In the morning, before and after lunch or recess, before specials
How many children and grandchildren does Mrs. E have?
She has 3 children and soon to be 7 grandchildren.
Where do I put my journals and personal materials at the end of the day?
My numbered drawer!
What is the expectation with having a book to read?
You should ALWAYS have a book to read, it should be on your reading level, and placed in the blue bucket at the end of the day
How can you be a Role Model to other Braves?
Good answers earn points! :)
When should I line up to come inside from recess?
Quickly, when I hear the 2 whistles in a row.
What is Mrs. Espenshied's favorite season?
What is the expectation with laptops?
Be sure to carry the laptop with both hands (like a pizza box). Place it back in the cart the correct way.
What should you do with a paper that has been given to you? What should you do once completed?
Put your name and number on your paper. Once completed, turn it into the correct subject drawer and be sure the papers are all facing the same way.
What are ways you can earn PBIS points?
Must name 3 ways!!!
What should I do during pack up, clean up time and dismissal?
Place all supplies back in the caddy or pencil pouch, put all journals and books back into drawer, clean up my area, pack by bag and place it next to my seat and sit silently and wait to be dismissed!
Why does Mrs. Espenshied love her job?
She loves helping her students learn!!!!