How should we let the teacher know we want to say something?
Raise your hand - wait for her to call on you
How do we enter the classroom?
We should walk in, not running or pushing others.
Where can we find classwork when we're absent?
Look on Schoology in the class folder for that unit.
When are we allowed to hit/insult other classmates?
We should never put our hands on another student nor should be "hit" with our words.
The teacher can yell at anyone. True or false
False. The teacher should also be respectful. A loud voice to get attention if needed but not to get after a student/s.
How should we enter the room?
Quietly! Go to desks after getting any supplies from the front.
When can we move desks around?
Only when the teacher said to push them into groups or move.
When do we not have to do schoolwork?
When we're absent! But we'll make it up later.
Shouldn't others treat me with respect before earning my respect?
No - how will anyone ever be respectful, then? Respect others even when they don't - you'll always be right!
Why should the teacher respect students even though they are children?
The teacher is the role model, plus all people deserve to be respected.
Quietly come in and hand pass to the teacher.
Our hands and feet should be on or under our desk only - not on other students'.
Raise our hand - we do not ask other students.
If I don't like another student, I can be rude to them and give them wrong information. True or false?
False! Ignore them, be civil, be the better person. Respect doesn't require us to like someone.
Is the teacher someone students should be able to talk to even about problems?
If you need help, and you don't know what to do, you should always ask a teacher who to talk to or request to talk to them.
What level should our voices be when working in groups?
We should whisper as if we don't want the teacher to know we're talking so that the class isn't too loud.
When is the appropriate time to get up from our seat?
Get up to sharpen a pencil or get a piece of paper - trash can wait until cleanup time.
When is it all right to give up on learning?
Never! It's all right to struggle. We simply need to ask for help and try again.
If a student insults or hits me, I can hit/insult them back. True or False?
False! Why allow yourself to be in trouble because someone else has issues? This gives them control of YOU. Report them to an adult.
Do teachers really care about their students?
Teachers become teachers because they want to make a difference, so yes, they care about all students, even if they're being tough.
What kind of voices should we use in class?
We should be quiet and speak when it's our turn, not when the teacher is talking.
How should books and other materials be handled?
We should be respectful of property and put books nicely on the shelf so we can see the title.
Why is it important to keep trying and learning?
The only way to succeed is to have the knowledge to help us pursue goals - knowledge is power!
My friends and I like to race through the halls to beat each other in class. Why can't we do that when it's only for fun?
Running through the halls can be dangerous, causing other people to fall and get hurt, or by knocking someone down.
Teachers don't like all their students, so they will be mean to those whom they don't like as much. True or false?
Teachers may not understand a student, but they always want the best for all of them. Sometimes being strict is to help students improve.