How do we sit at our desks?
On our bottoms and facing the speaker.
Where do we line up for a fire drill?
To the right of the tree by the preschool.
Where can you find a pencil?
Blue tin on counter
Do you walk or run to the classroom door?
How many poles do we line up on outside our classroom?
Where should our pencil be?
In our pencil box or in the dip on our desks.
How do we take cover for an earthquake drill?
Under our desks, holding tight, coving our heads
Where are our crayons located?
In crayon drawer by sink
Where do your backpacks go when you walk in?
The cubbies
What color is the pole we line up at after recess?
How should our chairs be stacked?
Bottom on the top of the desk
Is there talking during any drill?
What do you do if you need a new glue stick?
Let Mrs.Hormann know and she will get you a new one
Can you chat quietly with your neighbor?
Is there talking allowed in our line?
Where should our pencil sharpeners stay?
In our pencil box
In what drills do we lock our classroom door?
Where is extra paper found?
Blank paper/lined paper bin in black shelves
Do we get out of our seats during morning work time?
No-unless changing mood meter, or grabbing a book
Do you stand next to someone in line or behind?
How should our desks be organized?
Whiteboard on bottom, then math book, then pencil box if wanted in desk.
Where do we hide for a lockdown/lock out?
By the shelves under the window
Where will your journals and folders be kept?
In bookbox
Will Mrs. Hormann read the morning work to you?
What pole does our line leader line up on to go to music?
Big pole