Why did Penelope eat her classmates?
Because children are delicious.
Which one shows how to be safe in the classroom: walking in the classroom or running in the classroom?
Which one shows how to be responsible in the classroom: leaving your chair in the middle of the floor or pushing your chair in?
Pushing your chair in
Which one shows being respectful: calling someone names because they did something you did not like or explain to them that they hurt your feelings calmly?
Another student says they are going to hit you because you made them mad. What should you do to be safe?
Walk away and tell the teacher
Why were Penelope's classmates afraid of her?
Which one shows we are being safe in the classroom: leaving materials on the floor or cleaning up after yourself?
Cleaning up
Which one shows being responsible in the classroom: trying first on your own to see if you understand or giving up and asking for help right away?
Trying first
Which one shows being respectful in the classroom: staying quiet even when you want to talk so that others can hear and learn or blurting out because you have something to say?
Staying quiet
Raise your hand and wait to be called on
What taught Penelope not to eat her classmates?
She was bit by Walter and remembers what it likes to be eaten.
List one way to be safe in the classroom.
Any safe example
List one way to be responsible in the classroom.
Any appropriate answer
List one way to be respectful in the classroom.
Any appropriate answer
You don't understand what to do on your assignment and feel stuck. What should you do to be responsible?
Raise your hand and quietly ask for help or use the tools you already have.
Why should we not eat our classmates (or do other unkind things)?
We would not like it if someone did that to us, it does not help us build friendships, it does not make our classroom safe for everyone to learn.
List 3 ways to be safe in the classroom.
Any 3 safe ways
List 3 ways to be responsible in the classroom.
Any appropriate answers.
List 3 ways to be responsible in the classroom.
Any appropriate answers.
Your friend is saying mean things to you and others at recess. What can you do to be safe and respectful?
Any appropriate response
What are things, like eating your classmates, that would make other students feel unsafe or uncomfortable?
Things like: blurting out, running around the room, saying mean things, hitting, etc.
Why is it important for us to be safe in the classroom?
Because it means that everyone in class has a safe place to learning and feel comfortable.
Why is it important for us to be responsible in the classroom?
Because we are each in charge of our own learning and can only learn and grow when we put our best effort into our work.
Why is it important to be respectful in the classroom?
Because everyone in the classroom deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, to show that we all belong here and are able to learn and grow.
You walk into reading class for the day. Name one way you can be safe, one way you can be responsible, and one way you can be respectful.
Any appropriate response