Leaving the room
Behaviour Book
Daily Work
Classroom Routines
Classroom Routines 2

Who should I ask if I want to leave the room?

Ms. P or the adult in the room. 


What does the first strike mean?

This is my first warning.


Where do I put my finished work?

The hand-in bin


What do I do right as the bell rings?

Wait for Ms. P or Ms. Jude to open the door, put away my outside gear and line up along the wall. 

Quick! What does the tidy team do?

Straighten desks, pick up supplies off the ground, make sure everything is neat and tidy.


What do I do with my magnet?

Move your own magnet under the bathroom sign.


What does the second strike mean?

This is my second warning and I need to move spots. 

Explain our word work routine. 

1. New words. 2. Partner sort. 3. Dictionary sort. 4. Sort, glue, write sentences. 5. Spelling test. 

Quick! What's the call and response we do for Ms. P to get our attention? (100 bonus points if you do it) 

Ms. P: Da, dada, da, dun

Students: DA DA 


Ms. P: Hands on top?

Students: That means stop!


Where should I go to find things to do during pickle time?

Drawers in the back for paper, colouring pages, word searches, etc. 


True or false: Can I go to the office if I need a reset or a quiet space to cool down?



What does the third strike mean?

I need to write my name in the book with the reason why. 


I don't know what to write about during free writing! Where can I look?

Look at the list posted on the board.


Where can I go if I feel overwhelmed/need a quiet and calm space?

The calm corner.


When I walk into the classroom in the morning, what do I do with my magnet?

Move it from the absent side to the present side. 

True or False: When I'm working in the hallway I should be as loud as humanly possible. 


What do I have to do to get my name written automatically in the book?
Anything physical, racist, or purposefully mean against another student. 

Where can I look if I need to do Ketchup work?

Ms. P will write it on the board with my name on it. 


What does Ms. P say as a code word when she's done instructions and we can begin work?

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!


What does teach support do in our classroom?

Plug in all the chromebooks in the cart. 


What are our hand signals for the bathroom?

Hold up 3 fingers (and also please wait for Ms. P to say yes before you go). 


How many times does my name have to go into the book before a phone call home?

3 times. 


Why do we do literacy centres?

To help improve our reading and writing skills. 


What do each of the lights mean?

Red: independent work/spelling tests

Blue: whisper talking/read to someone/literacy centers

Green: normal voice levels/snack time/partner work

Purple: Ms. P is talking


Explain our Connect 4 game. 

We choose a reward as a class. We earn a dot by completing our goal. To get our reward, we need 4 points.