What are your teachers number 1 priorities?
Your SAFETY and HEALTH!! That will ALWAYS be the most important. If you are sick or hurt, PLEASE tell us asap no matter what.
Ask for your name to be put on the list.
What time does lunch start?
11 am
Before you go, what do you do?
Ask and KNOCK
When is it acceptable to put your hands on another person?
NEVER!! Unless you have permission for a hug, or something similar. WE DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE RELATED, KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!!
Are we a daycare?
No. We are an educational facility. That means, we want you to have fun! But we also have to teach you something, even if you don't like it.
When PreSchool/Prek is outside, are you allowed to hog the playset?
No! Use a different spot so they can play.
What time does snack start?
2 pm
True or False: Peeing on the restroom floor is acceptable.
Are we allowed to run?
No. Walking feet at all times.
Do we care about you?
Where are the toys kept, and how do you get them?
Toys are kept in the cabinet and can be accessed AFTER asking and GETTING permission.
When you are done eating, you do what?
Throw your trash away
Are you allowed to use a restroom outside of School Age?
Yes! As long as you have permission from your teachers and the class restroom is occupied.
What are the expectations for nap time?
Stay QUIET and be mindful that children are sleeping.
Do you have to follow the rules?
Yes. We know you don't always like them, however they are there for your safety and so things can be fair and so we can actually do fun things with you.
TRUE or FALSE: Your parents will be charged for lost or broken toys.
True! Parents can be charged so toys can be replaced. Be careful with our toys.
When everyone is done eating, what is the cleaning expectation?
Clean tables and sweep
When we are done, what do we do?
Wash our hands
What do we expect from you?
Your best but never perfection! Respect, to listen and follow the rules
We don't always make the rules. So if we don't, who does?
Ms. Kelsey, Ms. Bella, Mr. Jay or State. If they say one thing, it doesn't matter if We like it, we cant change it.
When outside, what do you do when you need the restroom or a drink?
Ask permission! One person inside at a time, so be patient.
While eating, you are expected to do what?
Stay seated
Using the restroom is _____ , close the door!
Personal OR private
What will happen if you continue to behave as you have been?
Write up, phone call home, suspension and then expulsion. Privileges will be taken away, such as electronic time, TV time outside of educational videos, the last field trip and the rest of the end of summer celebration.