what do students do before entering class?
line up outside in alphabetical order and wait to be inspected for tucked in shirt and school uniform then enter class with a high 5.
When can students go to the restroom?
After the first 10 minutes, before the last five minutes, and after lecture.
Where do all assignments go?
In english binder and turn in at end of class.
How many warnings does the student get before call to parents?
What is the main material you will use every single day?
English binder
What should students do as soon as they enter class?
listen for materials needed for the day, walk quietly, take out your materials and put backpack against the wall. Look for fast start and sit quietly begin working.
When can you speak or get up from your desk?
When teacher gives you permission.
How much are fast starts and exit tickets worth?
What will be cause for a warning?
Not staying on task, being disruptive or disrespectful. Not staying in your seat. Running or throwing things.
Other than the chrome, what is the next important material after the binder?
Who's responsibility is it to tell teacher when you're absent?
the student that is absent.
If a student misses a day, how many days extra do they have to turn in assignments?
Will an apology get you back to green?
First violation if caught with Cell phone
20$ dollar fee and 10$ extra every time after that.
Where do Backpacks go?
Against the wall
Where do you turn in your technology?
In your advisory class.
how many dividers will go into the binder?
If you get a warning or call to parent. Does that mean teacher does not like you or has favoratism?
No. it is your responsibility and consequence. There is not favoritism in class.
What will happen if student is not in uniform?
Will be sent to the office
How long is the warning to prepare transition and steps?
Teacher gives 2 minute warning to end class and be called to line up alphabetically.
When can you speak or ask questions?
After lecture.
If you miss a day and want to know what happened the day you missed, what are the steps to follow?
first, ask peers. then, check google classroom. Then check teacher's binder. Then tell teacher you missed.
What is the last step to consequences is behavior continues?
Meeting with parent and administration.