Safe or not? David keeps bumping into furniture, like desks, trash cans, and chairs when moving around the classroom.
Not safe- he could trip and fall, or he could knock the furniture into someone else, who gets hurt.
What level voice should be used when walking in the halls?
Clarice sees another student using scissors to cut the pages in a book during reading time. What should she do?
Raise her hand, and tell the teacher.
Martin can not find a pencil. What should he do? (get 1 of 2 answers choices).
Quietly ask a neighbor or raise his hand to ask the teacher.
Jazmin keeps singing every time the class walks down the hallway.
No talking in line.
Safe or not? Brian is bored, and keep tossing his pencil in the air, flipping it around.
Not safe- if he loses control of the pencil, it could harm himself of someone near him.
What level voice can be used outside on the playground?
Any (0-5)
Danielle wants to go on the swing, but the other students have been using them a very long time. What should Danielle do?
Ask for a turn- if the other students say no ask a teacher for help.
The teacher is sharing out directions, and Aaliyah is listening with her hands in her lap or on the desk, while Tina is coloring on some notebook paper. Which student is doing what is expected?
Tyree and Callum keep rough housing in the classroom.
Keep your hands to yourself.
Safe or not safe? Tyree is walking from his seat to the door to line up when called.
Safe- he is making sure he uses walking feet, which makes it less likely to slip, trip or bump into other students.
Bryson is using a voice loud enough to be heard across the classroom. What level voice is he using?
3, 4 or 5
Tamera keeps shoving another student, Joyce. What can Clark do about it?
Clark can ask Tamera to stop, or go tell a teacher.
The teacher hands out base ten blocks. Martin starts cutting his tens sticks in half, while John starts throwing ones blocks across the room. Appropriate or inappropriate? (why/why not?)
Inappropriate- that is not an expected way for us to treat tens sticks. The materials should stay on the desk, and they should not be broken or cut.
Penelope has a question, so she blurts it out while the teacher is talking.
Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Safe or not? Demarcus is talking to his friends in line, and showing off how he scored the basket from the game in recess earlier.
Not safe- he could easily bump into other students, or slip/ trip and fall.
Mary is working with a partner, using the appropriate level voice volume. What level volume is she using?
Level 2
James keeps reading very loudly during read to self time. What can the other students do? (3 ideas)
Either ignore it, ask him to stop, or ask the teacher to ask him to stop.
Franklin keeps climbing up the cubbies to look through the materials in the shelves, or climbing into the closet. Appropriate or inappropriate (why/why not?)
Not- Franklin needs to ask before going through things that do not belong to him, and he should not be climbing into the closet.
Zane is coming back to the classroom from the bathroom, and runs down the hallway, since it is kind of far, and there is no one else int he hall.
Walk in the hallway.
Running to line up
getting into the other person's personal space
too loud to hear teacher directions
unsafe handling of the ball in line
unsafe with personal objects
Name a place in the school where it is appropriate to use a level 3 voice.
Answers will vary
In line, Mario stands close enough to Luigi that he is sometimes touching him. What should Mario do?
Step back one arm length/ give Luigi some personal space.
Tameka really wants to use Rachel's markers, but Rachel will not share. What should Tameka do?
Look for markers elsewhere, ask the teacher for some markers, ask a different student to borrow their markers.
Josh has a problem with Caleb, so he starts a fight with him.
No fighting- ask he teacher for help.