Where should you hand in your homework or classwork?
Your class color bin
What should you do if you need to use the restroom?
Just go, but make sure you sign in and out and take a bathroom pass
What should you do if you finish classwork early?
Check your answers, study vocab, organize your binder, work on an early finishers activity or work on HW.
What are the consequences of negative behavior?
Staying after school with me, loss of privileges, a call home or being sent too Mrs. Skane or Ms. Lalli
How should you set up your warm up?
Your warm up should have the date, the question and the answer
What should you do if you find something that does not belong to you?
Put it in the lost or found or give it to Mr. Delaney
How should you treat your classmates, teacher and the room?
With respect! Be a nice person!
How should you enter and exit the classroom?
Quietly and safe! Push in your chair if you leave!
What materials should you bring to class every day?
Pencil or Pen, Agenda Book, Binder, Chromebook and a Good Attitude!
If you borrow any of my supplies, what should you when you are done?
Make sure that they are returned and in the correct bins!
What should you do if you were absent?
Check Google Classroom and email Mr. Delaney
What should you do if you are not feeling well?
Let Mr. Delaney know and take a nurses pass
What should you do once you take your seat in class?
Take out your supplies and get started on the warm up activity.
What are group work expectations?
Be kind and make sure everyone does there fair share
What should you do if you are late to class?
If you have a pass hand it to me, if you don’t have one, tell me why
What should you do if the fire alarm goes off?
Stop what you’re doing, line up quietly, last one shuts the door, stay with the class.
What should you do if you’re confused about an assignment?
Read the directions again, ask a classmate or a teacher
What should you do if you think you are going to throw up?
Go RIGHT to the bathroom as fast as you can!
What should you do when it’s almost time to leave?
Push in your chair, check the floor around you, make sure you have all your stuff!
What should you do if you need to sharpen your pencil?
Do it before class or when working independently
Why should you not call out answers if you were not called on?
Its rude to Mr. Delaney and those who raised there hand
What are the rules when using technology?
Only for school related uses, unless Mr. Delaney says otherwise.
How should you respond if you disagree with another student?
Everyone has their own opinion, we need to respect our fellow classmates!
What is an emergency specific to Mr. Delaney that he should know?
If there are dogs, a Boston sports athlete or Dua Lipa is in the hall
How will Mr. Delaney get your attention?
He will stand at the front of the room and raise his hand