What should you check BEFORE entering the classroom so you know what materials to bring?
The whiteboard outside of the door
What are the 3 golden rules of the classroom?
Be responsible, be respectful, be your best.
What can you find on the white board every single day that you come to class?
The Do Now
Where should you put assignments if you want them graded?
In the Turn In Bin
What does PACES stand for?
What 3 things must you do before leaving the classroom DURING class?
Ask Ms. Knox, sign out, and take the hall pass.
Where should you put your Chromebook if you brought it and we are not using it in class?
The Chromebook Zone
What must you do before taking a book from the classroom library?
Put your name, book title, and date on the sign out sheet next to the shelf
Where do papers with no names go?
On the No Name wall
Travis Kelce, an NFL player for the Kansas City Chiefs
Where is ONE place you cannot go during class?
Water fountain
Switch your chairs back to how you found it
Where are TWO places in the classroom that you can store your things in?
Binder cabinet, hanging folders
How long do you have to complete an assignment past the due date before it goes into Infinite Campus as a zero?
Two weeks from the original due date
How many ants are there on Earth per ONE human?
1.5 million
When should you enter the classroom?
After being invited in by Ms. Knox
If you are absent, where are 3 places can you find missed work?
Daily agenda, Canvas, absentee work area
Where are TWO places in the classroom that are off limits to students?
The tall cabinet and behind Ms. Knox's desk
What should you do if you are turning in an assignment past the original due date?
Fill out an orange sheet (found right by the turn in bin)
Which Egyptian royal lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than the construction of the Great Pyramids?
What 3 things should you do once you've entered the classroom?
Bring ALL materials, find your ASSIGNED seat, begin working on your Do Now.
What are some consequences if you are not following classroom expectations?
MIR (write-up), loss of privileges, contact home, office referrals (if necessary)
Mr. Hippo Man and Leadson
What are the steps of revising an assignment for a higher grade?
1) Turn in the original assignment
2) Do your revisions/corrections on a separate sheet of paper and attach to the original
3) If you are revising multiple choice, JUSTIFY why you chose your new answer
What is the only type of bird that can fly backwards?