Classroom Rules
Dress Code
Random Stuff
Class Rewards
If you have a phone, where should it be?
What is in your locker or in a teacher drawer.
When a student needs help or has a question in class, they should do this.
What is raise a hand AND wait to be called upon by staff.

Please describe the school rule about head wear (coverings for the head).

What is 1) hats and hoodies may not be worn in the building, 2) (other items) may not be worn on the head (without special, advance permission from our principals).

If I walk out of the classroom without permission, this might happen....
If staff don't know where you are, we may have time to look or may have to call the office and initiate a "school staff" search.
You can earn this $1 (school dollar) item from staff throughout your day when "caught" doing something good.
What is Mountaineer Money (red).
What will happen if staff in the room see that your phone is out?  What happens if it comes out again?
What is they will give me one reminder to put it away (out of sight and sound).  If it comes out again, it will need to be turned in.
When a teacher or student "has the floor" meaning staff have given that person permission to speak, everyone in the room should do these three things (hint: where should their body/eyes be turned, what are their ears doing, and _____).
What is turn towards the speaker, use listening ears, and be quiet (no speaking or noises) when that person is speaking.
On what day, and under what conditions may students wear hats?
What is Friday hat day (with a sticker) or a special hat day during a school spirit week, etc. in which principals have already given students approval.
If I leave class without permission, this might also happen...
If staff are not able to locate you quickly, it may be assumed that you have left the the building.  This can prompt a phone call to parents and the police.
You can earn this during your daily, goals check-out with teachers (or, if earned, teacher can place it on your desk after school).
What is green, SLCB Mountaineer money (worth $5 of red Mountaineer money).
When given the opportunity to use a Chromebook or PC for classwork, it is not OK to ___________.
What is visit other websites/apps other than what the teacher has assigned (this includes music), (other teacher-accepted answers may be given here).
When a student needs to leave the room (restroom, water, etc.), they should do the following...
What is 1) fill out their hall pass in their agenda, 2) raise a hand to get teacher permission and signature, 3) return within a reasonable amount of time (please give an example).
Describe a dress code violation related to shirts.
What is wearing a shirt with inappropriate language or pictures, (teacher may accept reasonable answers here).
Are class can earn more hands-on activities (experiments, etc.) by doing this..
What is 1) following teacher instructions, 2) using materials appropriately, 3) teacher can accept reasonable answers here.
At times, you may earn a weekly movie by doing this.
What is climbing the the top of the Mountaineer Movie Mountain.
When given the opportunity or privilege to pay for free time on a PC or Chromebook, it is not OK to (3 or more possible answers)_____.
What is visit inappropriate sites including videos, share with someone who has not paid for computer time, (students may add reasonable answers here).
During work time, describe what the volume level should be in the classroom (what should it sound like)...
What is a 0 voice, what is a silent/quiet classroom, what is a spy voice if working in partners or groups.
What might be a dress code violation that does not involve clothing, hats, or jewelry?
What is creating your own accessories and wearing them (i.e. pipe cleaner "glasses", etc.).  Teacher may accept reasonable answers here.
If I get upset in class, I should...
What is 1) tell a teacher what I need.
Red, $1 Mountaineer Money can be used for:
1) paying for free time on the computers when it is offered, 2) purchasing items at the school store, 3) trading in 5 red for 1 green SLCB Mountaineer Money, 4) teacher may accept reasonable answers here.
Students may lose computer privileges for (5 or more possible answers).
What is:

1) Visiting inappropriate sites or apps, 2) Using other applications or websites when staff have assigned computer work, 3) Refusing to put computer away in a timely manner when asked by staff, 4) Sharing computer with those who have not paid during free time, 5) Not caring for computers or headphones when in use.

Even teachers have pet peeves.  How might staff respond to repeated verbal harassment in the classroom (put-downs, "I was joking" threats, inappropriate language, words used to exclude or leave others out, etc.)?
Repeated harassment is considered a major referral.  It will not be tolerated.  In some cases, a student may get one reminder or warning depending upon the severity of what has been said.  In other cases, the student will simply be escorted to the office.
How can having a school dress code help the school environment/students?
What is 1) school dress code helps us to create a more academic, serious environment in which we know we are here to learn, 2) it can reduce school peer pressure around trends and fashions (save families money), 3) it can help students practice for what will be required of them in certain, future jobs they might have as young adults and adults, 4) teacher accept reasonable answers here BUT NOT DEBATE OR ARGUMENT as the question asks how it helps...
I notice that some students seem to be earning special rewards.  I know that "everyone has their own thing" and I respect that.  But, I want to know how I can earn something special too.  When can I ask about this?
What is 1) ask your teacher during your daily check-in time, 2) ask during free time if a teacher seems like he/she is free.
Green, SLCB money can be used for:

1) paying for free time on the computers when it is offered, 2) special privileges when offered by teacher (random times), 3) Friday SLCB "treat" store, 4) trading in for 5 Mountainer Money dollars (red).