When Ms. Romo walks out into the hallway, what should she see?
Ms. Romo should see a straight and quiet line.
Who tells you when you can start to pack up? (2)
Ms. Romo/sub.
During worktime, should you be up and talking to your friends?
Where do you turn in assignments?
In your period's basket in the back
If you borrow a pencil from the pencil parking, should you return it?
What is the first thing you do when you walk into the classroom?
You should check to see if there is a handout in the basket.
Should you ever pack up without Ms. Romo telling you to?
If Ms. Romo is talking, what should students be doing?
Listening quietly.
If you do not put your name on your assignment and receive a 0, where should you check?
The No Name basket.
Empty it out in the garbage can.
What should you do after you check the handout basket? (2)
Read the board and get supplies. Or do the classroom job if your name is on the board.
Usually, how many minutes does Ms. Romo give you to pack up?
2-3 minutes
If students have a question, what should they do?
Raise their hand and wait quietly to be picked on.
When you get done with an assignment, what should you check for? Hint: it should be at the top of your paper. (3)
Name, period, and date.
If you miss a day, what should you do?
Email or ask Ms. Romo what you missed.
What do you do after you get all of your supplies? (2)
What noise level should it be when you are packing up?
When can you sharpen your pencil?
When no one is talking.
What may you NOT do if you get done with your assignment? (4)
-Distract/talk to others
-Do nothing
How many sisters does Ms. Romo have?
If you do not have one of the things on the supply list, when should you ask for it?
When you realize you do not have the supply.
Once Ms. Romo tells you to pack up, what should you do? (2-3)
Pack up, clean up, and sit or stand at your desk quietly.
How should students act when someone is sharing/answering a question?
Students should be silently and actively listening.
What are three things you may do if you are done with your work?
Read, work on other assignments, or ALEKs.
Who did Ms. Romo see in concert in August of 2023?
Zach Bryan