What do you do before lining up?
Put all materials away
What do you do when you walk into the classroom?
a. Put stuff down
b. get breakfast
9:10am or after phonics
How many workbooks do we use for math?
free points
free points
Who lines up first?
Trick question: Ms.Neri picks
After you get situated, what do you do?
Morning work
Board Games
What books do we use for wit & wisdom?
Yellow journal
wit & wisdom workbook
When we are working together, what voice level should you have?
voice level 0, unless you are working with a partner
What is our short chant?
CSUN what does the M stand for?
the matadors olay olay
what do you need to do when you get dismissed to line up?
When you are done eating breakfast, what do you do next?
Sign with your pinky to throw away your trash
We work on what voice level?
How long do I give you to find a partner when we work in pairs?
1 to 2 minutes
What can you use as a resource?
our number line
multiplication chart
Where do we stand outside for recess?
the blue line
What needs to happen before we leave the classroom?
Voice level 0
Straight line (one behind the other)
Voice level 1
How many paragraphs are we writing for this module?
4 paragraphs:
2 body paragraphs
What are our rules for computers?
1. wait till your number is called
2. no youtube
3. voice level 0
4. get headphones (if they don't work put volume low)
Name all the steps to line up
HINT: 4 steps
1. put everything away
2.wait to get dismissed
3. push in your chair/ get lunch pail
4. line up voice level 0, face forward
10 days (math and language)
What type of essay are we writing?
an opinion essay
What are the expectations when you are playing outside?
1. keep your hands to yourself
2. Be responsible
3. Follow directions