A word describing what you show others and yourself.
A technological device that must be switched off at school.
A process where you are sent to another classroom.
Buddy out.
What you must always do in every class.
Try your best.
Three key items you must bring to every class.
Laptop, pencil case, exercise book.
What you must do prior to entering the classroom.
Form two straight lines.
A four letter word for how you should enter or exit the classroom to ensure the safety of others.
When you don't hand in your assessment - final or draft.
How you can make the most of the assessment process.
By completing your draft or assessment in full.
When you must arrive to class.
On time.
What I should do prior to leaving the classroom.
Tidy up around me and push in my chair.
An important verb (doing word) you must do to understand instructions.
A consequence if you are silly or forget your resources.
Phone call or email home.
If you have a question, what action should you do?
Hand up.
What you should aim to do prior to class (particularly if class is after a break)
Go to the bathroom and get a drink of water.
What are main examples of words you can use to "use your manners"?
Any of the following: "Please", "Thank you", "I'm sorry", "May I"
What is an important action you must do before you come to class in regards to your laptop.
Charge it.