What does THINK stand for
True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind
What do you do with your agenda at the start of the day?
Put it out on top of the cupboard
When can you talk to your friend about the upcoming weekend?
Before class, at lunch, at recess, or during a break. Not during class
Should you put your name on every paper you get in class?
What should you do if someone drops something and doesn't pick it up?
Let them know they dropped it. If they don't pick it up, pick it up yourself.
How do you walk appropriately in the hallway?
Walking, in a line, hands to self, quiet
What things to you take to P.E.?
Water bottle
Who is responsible for your supplies?
What should you do if someone says something unkind to you?
Let them know how it made you feel and ask them to stop. If they don't listen, try walking away and let a teacher know.
What does safe look like on the playground?
No pushing, looking out for little kids, using kind words and actions
What should you do if you need to use the washroom?
What should you do at the end of the day?
All trash picked up, straighten classroom up, class job, stack your chair, THEN you get your backpack.
What should you do if someone hits or pushes you?
What should you be doing at lunch time?
Sitting at your table, eat, clean up, sit down until the bell for outside.
How should you get Ms. Chang's attention?
Raise your hand and wait patiently. Do not come chasing me down or say my name over and over!
What happens if you are talking in class or distraction other students?
You will be moved to sit on your own.
If a friend is gossiping about someone who isn't there, what should you do?
Remind your friend that it isn't kind to gossip and change the topic.
How can you keep our classroom clean and safe?
Put away supplies, clean up the floor so no one slips, push in your chair
What do you do when you are finished with your work for the day?
Quiet early finisher activity at your table
What should you do if you want to share an idea but did not get picked?
Remain calm, raise your hand for the next time.
How do you know you are finished your work?
1) Your name is on it
2) You have given your best effort and added detail
3) You have checked it to make sure everything is complete
If someone is doing something that is bothering you, what can you do? (3 ideas)
1) Politely but firmly ask them to stop
2) Walk away or move to a different area
3) Let the teacher know if they continue to bother you