How Do I...?
Work Time
Transitions 2

What should your voice level be when you come into the classroom in the morning?

Your voice level should be at a 0.5


What do you do when the last whistle blows at recess?

Line up as quickly as possible


If you brought a lunch, where does it go?

It goes into the lunch bin at the front of the room


What voice level should you be at during independent work time?

Voice level 0


How should you ask to go to the break space?

Raising your hand and asking

Or Ms. Luna may ask you to go to the break space 


When is snack time and where do you put your snack in the morning?

Snack time is during earned recess and snack goes in the snack bin first thing in the morning


How many people can be on the porch swing at a time?

Only 3 people on the porch swing at a time


Where does your water bottle go?

On the inside top corner of your desk

In your cubby if you cannot have it at your desk


When do we do partner work in Rocket Math?

When you are correcting your work?


How does Ms. Luna call on rows when it is time to transition?

Ms. Luna calls on rows by the color of the tape in front of the row.


What are you doing if I have not called on your row or if you are already in line?

You are waiting silently so that the students still sitting can hear for their row color


Where should playground equipment stay?

Playground equipment stays on the concrete area or on the soccer field


When can you get water and how many people are allowed to get water at a time?

Get water in the morning or during independent work time and there should only be one person at a time at the water station


How should you look during partner work

Side by side

Finger tracking

On task


What does Ms. Luna look for in order for rows to be called on?

Cleared off desks and level 0 voices


Where do the 5 school rules apply?



What should you do at recess so that you don't have to do it during class time?

Go to the bathroom and get water


What are your bathroom break options?

If the door to Mr.McCoy's room is open, then you can use the 5th grade bathroom and if the door is closed, you use the bathroom in the quad


What Goes on the heading of your paper?





What should you do once you have collected all of your things at the end of the day?

Go back to your desk, sit quietly, and listen for the directions of what you can be doing while you are waiting to be called

What is the entire line up procedure?

Wait for row to be called

Stand up

Push in chair

Walk to the left

Line up on your dot


What are 5 playground rules for anything?

Answers vary


What is the entire pencil sharpening procedure?

During independent work time

Use hand signal for permission

Place unsharp pencil in the unsharp cup

Grab sharp pencil out of the sharp cup

Do not use sharpener unless all sharpened pencils are gone

How do you get to your partners during Rocket Math?

Wait for Ms. Luna to say go

Stand up, push in your chair

Find your partner and sit next to them


What is the walking path for collecting your computer or art box

Down the middle of the classroom then walking along the sides to your desk