This is how we enter a classroom.
What is quietly and quickly find our seat?
This is how we treat our classroom.
What is with respect. Don't throw stickies on the ceiling or peel things off desks that should be there?
This is when we ask to go to bathroom.
What is during a good time in the lesson that makes sense? But not in the middle of a lesson.
These are all the things I need to be prepared for class
What are a pencil, composition notebook, and a CHARGED chromebook?
This is how we don't enter a classroom.
What is yell, run, and jump on people?
This is when we're allowed to play games on our computer.
This is why Mr. Farnes will make us get up and try coming into the classroom again.
Because we're not in our seats and / or not listening when the bell rings?
This is how we sit in class.
What is sit up straight facing the front?
This is why all of these things are important.
1. So we can have a successful class.
2. You decide if you want a fun class or a horrible class. It's your choice.