Where should you put your backpack after gathering your materials?
Hang up your backpack on the hook of your assigned number.
What is your voice doing during instruction?
Student voices are off.
How should students move around the classroom?
Walk with purpose and without disrupting others.
When should you begin cleaning up?
When Mrs. Namik instructs you to.
Who uses the intercom button and during what situation?
Teachers only during an emergency.
What should you do immediately upon entering the classroom?
Enter quietly and gather materials listed on the slide.
What do I do to get your attention?
Walk to the front carpet, raise hand, and wait for students to be quiet.
When asking to use the restroom or get water, what are students expected to have?
A current planner with available hall passes in their hand.
What is the correct way to ensure cleanliness around your table?
Pick up the floor under and around your table.
When is it okay to sharpen my pencil?
During class entry or work time.
How should you document today’s learning goal?
Write it in your planner.
How should you signal if you want to speak or have a question?
Raise your hand.
What should students do when their work is complete?
Turn it in. Then work on missing assignments or read your book.
What are two key behaviors to remember when putting materials away?
Help each other and don’t throw materials.
What procedure should you follow when tardy?
Enter quietly, place tardy slip on Mrs. Namik’s desk, gather materials and get to work. Get missed work during work time.
What is the expectation for answering the attendance question?
Use the language script to respond in a complete sentence.
What are two behaviors needed for being fully engaged during a lesson?
Remain seated in the classroom and have materials out to participate.
Where can you find instructions on what to do, how to do it, when to be done, where to turn it in, and what to do when you're done?
There is always a slide on the TV with instructions for work assignments with this information on it.
Describe the proper procedure for leaving the classroom after cleanup.
Put your stool under your table, stand at your table and wait for the bell. Then carefully exit the room.
What are two key behaviors for students during an emergency?
Stay quiet and follow instructions quickly.
What are the expectations from 9-9:15?
Regular classroom entry expectations and take down all stools. Then you may read, work on homework, or talk to friends. NO Chromebooks or being disruptive!
What does Mrs. Namik say when you blurt (talk out of turn)?
"Don't yell at me."
How should you treat staff and peers in our classroom?
With respect.
What happens if you run down the hallway at the end of class?
Mrs. Namik will hold the entire class after the bell the following day.
What are the consequences for not following expectations?
Reminder, change seat or break, refocus room, referral and PASSroom.