Classroom Procedures
More Classroom Procedures
Chromebook Expectations
Recess Expectations
Even More Classroom Procedures!

What are the best times to use the bathroom during the school day?

During snack break, recess, and lunch so we don't miss instruction time.


How many yellow seating pads should you use?

How should your Chromebook be stored in the cart at the end of the day?
Plugged in with the label on the bottom and toward Mr. Nate's room.

Where can you play tag games?

On the grass field, not near the play structures.


Describe the class reward system.

Mr. Pletsch will add one bouncy ball when he notices the whole group making a good choice. 25 bouncy balls earns a celebration.

What is a good time to sharpen pencils?

Most work times are OK. Just not when someone is teaching, reading aloud, or presenting something to the class. 


When do you get to sit in the beanbag or camp chairs?

Only when it is your assigned day. It's not cool or fair to sit in them otherwise. 

What apps and websites are you allowed to visit on your Chromebook?

Only those that have been approved or suggested by the teacher.


What should you do when you hear the three recess whistles?

Stop playing, bring equipment back to the cart, line up at the post for our class.

If you need to use the restroom from the classroom (although you should wait until break times), what do you do?

Have a classmate use a badge to let you in the building. 


Where do you turn in finished work?

The basket on top of the Chromebook cabinet, after you've double checked for your name, of course :)


At the end of the day, what happens with the chairs at your table?

They should be stacked in groups of 3. 


Can you have food or drinks while using your Chromebook?

No! You may have water from your bottle, but be careful.


If it's recess time and it's raining a lot, what should you do?

Stay under the covered area and enjoy the many new games and activities!


Are snacks provided every day in the classroom?

No, not always! You should really try to bring one from home if possible. Sometimes Mr. P will have snacks, but don't expect it everyday. 

What document that we created as a group helps us to keep a peaceful and safe environment?

The Classroom Charter

Where can you find bandaids in the classroom?

In the blue bin on the top shelf near the door.


What is the maximum number of stickers you can place on your Chromebook.



Suppose you're playing a game and someone wants to join. What should you do?

Invite them to play!

Describe one of Mr. Pletsch's attention signals.


"If you can hear my voice, clap 3 times..."

Clapping pattern


Because we don't have a sink in the room, what do I need to bring to school everyday. 

A water bottle.


Where does your backpack go in the classroom?

In your cubby space, if possible. Or, on the hooks by the door. 


Should you use someone else's Chromebook?

Of course not! Only if Mr. Pletsch gives you permission to use a spare.  

What can you do to solve disagreements when playing games at recess?

Try something fair, like rock, paper, scissors and then move on.


When is your homework packet due?

On Friday morning (or the last day of the week).