What should you first do when you arrive in the morning?
Quietly put away backpack, make lunch choice, check to see if there is morning work on the board.
How do you line up when we go into the hallway for anything (recess, lunch, specials, PIE groups)?
Line up quietly with your hands to yourselves. We are kind and courteous not rushing to be first.
What level of conversation is expected during center rotations?
Rotations should be silent, unless it is a group activity or at the teacher table.
If you have a school lunch, how do you line up?
Alphabetically, say your first and last name at the front of the line.
What do you do if someone is bothering you or being unkind at recess?
Tell the teacher on duty right away.
If you finish the morning work on the board, what is a good use of you time?
Make sure your desk is clean, and read a book.
What level of conversation is in the hallway?
Zero conversation, quiet as we go to the next class.
Where do you turn in papers?
The turn-in bin.
Who carries the lunch bin?
The lunch bin helper. Home lunches go in the lunch bin. Remember to take your lunch box home at the end of the day.
When is the best time to use the bathroom?
On the way outside, before going to recess.
What do you do when morning announcements come on?
Listen quietly and respectfully.
What should your hands and feet be doing in the hallway?
Hands and feet stay to yourselves, without touching others or bulletin boards.
How do you take good care of our classroom supplies?
Keep caps on glue sticks and markers, pick things up off the floor when you see them to keep the classroom tidy.
What level of conversation is appropriate in the cafeteria?
"Table talk", a voice level just loud enough for those next to you to hear. Your voice should not be so loud they hear you from many tables away.
What do you do when the whistle is blown?
Line up quickly and silently, ready to walk inside respectfully.
What do you do after the pledge?
Come to the carpet ready for morning meeting, and ready to learn.
What do you need to do at corners in the hallway?
Pause and wait until a teacher says keep going, staying within sight of a teacher.
What do we do when the phone rings?
We are COMPLETELY silent.
What is one way you can demonstrate kindness and responsibility in the cafeteria?
Look for others who may want to be included and invited to your table. Don't make a mess, and clean up your area when you are finished. If you see something on the ground, pick it up.
What does responsible bathroom behavior look like?
Go in, take care of your needs without messing around. Respect others privacy at all times, and watch your volume.
What do you do if you finish something early?
If it is ELA time, you can read a book quietly. If it is math, work on math skills in IXL or Imagine Math Facts.