What do you always need in literacy class?
Yellow book, pencil, literacy notebook, and Chromebook.
True or false: Ms.Tehandon loves seeing your artwork on my floor or tables.
false, please do not write on the tables or floor.
When walking to the library, how should we walk?
What was the last reading we did in our HMH book?
What is Ms.Tehandon's favorite animal?
Is gum or food allowed in this classroom?
When we are walking to the library should we be reading our books or yelling across the hallway?
no! our books should be closed.
a apple
e egg
i igloo
o octopus
u umbrella
Ms.Tehandon's favorite color?
Olive green
If you can not see the board, what should you do?
Raise my hand, and ask Ms.Tehandon to move to the carpet.
Where can we look to find the hand signals in the classroom?
by the closet.
What should you do when you have permission to go to the restroom or get a drink of water?
Sign out and take the hall pass.
previous; before
Where did Ms.Tehandon attend Elementary School?
Central Park
If you are given a direction from an adult in the classroom, what should you do?
Follow the directions given the first time, and do not talk back.
What is something new we will be doing and using during Literacy class? Explain it.
(It has to do with one of our new classroom expectations)
Voice levels.
When are appropriate times to ask to go to the office, restroom, or grab a drink of water?
When Ms.Tehandon is not teaching or talking if we have more than half of our work done when we are working independently on our assignments.
What's the difference between prefixes and suffixes? Explain
Prefixes come before the word and suffixes are at the end of the word.
How many siblings does Ms.Tehandon have?
1 sister
What is something that annoys Ms.Tehandon when she is teaching?
When we ask to go to the bathroom mid-lesson or enter the classroom from recess/lunch.
You lose your recess.
If a fire drill was to happen and you were in the bathroom, what should you do?
Join the first class you see and join them.
Tell me all the natural disasters we have talked about in Module 3.
True or false: Ms.Tehandon always wanted to be a teacher. She knew she wanted to be a teacher since her 8th-grade year.